@d-man @bluefox755 What did I say that wasn't true? Tell me what I missed, genius. HOW exactly what I wrong??? Instead of calling me a cynic and saying I lack imagination, give me a valid refutation.
@notjustin Good question, why doesn't anyone make games for Wii U? Is it Nintendo's fault? Or everyone else's fault? I don't know what the reasoning is, but they certainly could use some 3rd party support.
Maybe I'm missing the awesome in this 'game'. Since there is no game to speak of, the experience is entirely hinged on the narrative, one that is riddled with cliche. Replace Lonnie with your stereotypical teenage 'bad boy' and you have a done to death, predictable, teenage love story. I want my $6.79 back.
@Lambchopzin @bluefox755 I do concede that not everything said on the issue is an attack on the gender, Danny's position here for example is quite reasonable, but reasonable arguments on this are few and far between in my experience.
bluefox755's comments