@LokiHero @bluefox755 Sure, those women aren't radicals, I don't think anyone has a problem with those, they don't impede the natural progression of civility like radicals do.
@MikeDrawsALot I kinda disagree with Danny, but the difference is, he says it in a sensible way, and takes a neutral position without demonizing either side, he doesn't make polarizing comments like this one.
@LokiHero @bluefox755 Also, you credit the movement for that, I credit human nature. People naturally treat each other good, and once government and special interest groups get out of the business of picking winners and losers in society, people treat each other pretty well.
@MasterTheHero @bluefox755 @dannyodwyer @Renoo27 @limbo12 So blame an entire gender for the actions of a few? Weird, wonder where the backlash comes from.
Well, is there an established precedent? Is there any other interactive novels on steam? Should certainly help the cause without having to co-opt the feminist movement.
@dannyodwyer @Renoo27 @limbo12 The problem is, it's not volcalized that way, it's never stated as a group of dickheads, it's labeled time and again as "males".
Honestly I didn't even know the game was made by a woman before now. I don't think anyone really cares the gender of the developer, this is what I'd call a straw man argument.
bluefox755's comments