Personal responsibility is dead. Politicians love being able to blame 'things'. Like games or guns, that way, they can be the good guy when they tell their constituents: "It's not your fault, all we need to do is get rid of this nasty gun or video game and everything will be better."
I dunno, as someone who has actually fired a gun in real life, it seems almost laughable to compare playing GTA to shooting a real gun, much less shooting real people. It's not the same....not even close, well, the gun shooting part at least, never killed anyone. Shooting a gun though, in real life? Not even the slightest bit similar to shooting one in a game.
Regardless of what you think about Steam, the DirectX monopoly needs to end. Plus, OpenGL is faster than DirectX. Competition is always good.
Penn and Teller did this experiment quite literally on their show. Took a young boy, who was also a heavy gamer, and let him shoot an AR15 at a range, he shot one shot and had tears in his eyes. Fantasy is VERY different from real life, doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
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