@lonesamurai1 @GLOK1132 @Microsteve consoles don't wish, they are inanimate objects, but the gamers themselves? I bet they'll be satisfied, because they got what they wanted, not what someone told them they should like.
@lonesamurai1 @bluefox755 No, people didn't buy it for that very reason, it had a terrible start, it was way too expensive, when the price leveled out it started selling...people like me who had started with 360 because it was more affordable, eventually got a ps3 down the road, and I liked mine more than my 360. So your opinion is just that, an opinion,
The argument that consoles hold back pc gaming is ridiculous....because if consoles went away, everyone would suddenly pull a thousand dollar video card out of their ass right? All developers would be making games for bleeding edge hardware that 2% of their potential customers own right?
@lonesamurai1 yeah, ps3 was notoriously difficult to develop for, and had a terrible launch, but in spite of all that they still managed to outsell the 360 worldwide...weird huh?
@hystavito if it was the only bad publicity xbone had gotten, people would shrug it off, but this is yet another thing to add to the list of negativity surrounding everything xbone.
@Stryder_18 it's kinda fun, a guilty pleasure, trolling is. I'm not a fan of Microsoft as of late, but I don't go around in real life screaming: "Xbone is a huge piece of shit!!"
@OneHundredPunks It's more symmetrical than PS4, if you're the type that prefers more traditional geometric shapes, you may find the xbone to be one handsome machine.
bluefox755's comments