Too many games are living up to and/or surpassing their expectations this year! Which is a great thing but it makes it harder for me to buy all of them!!! But I still will. :P Somehow. This game looks awesome, and I didn't even know what it was until like a few days ago.
Batman is probably a better single player experience overall, but ODST is a great game as well. I haven't played Batman yet, but I loved the demo and plan to pick it up within the next few months. ODST only has good replay value if you have a lot of friends that you know you can play it with. The lack of matchmaking in firefight (and the campaign) is a big loss, but like I said the replayability is huge if you have friends to play it with. The new maps on the mp disc are also some of my favorite maps in Halo 3.
Yeah I'd love to see some Maiden of any sort in BL. No real preference beyond that, anything metal is badass so I'm not too concerned about the awesomeness of this game
I'll be getting a ton of games this year. I just got ODST, and pre-ordered Forza 3. In addition, I will be getting for sure: Uncharted 2, Brutal Legend, Borderlands, Dragon Age, Tekken 6, God of War Collection, and Modern Warfare 2. Games I am considering but not sure are Left 4 Dead 2, Magna Carta 2, Saboteur, Assassin's Creed 2, Demon's Souls, Rachet and Clank In addition, I plan on picking up some games I missed this year like Batman. Oh, and not to mention next year is going to be even BETTER with games such as Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2, Final Fantasy XIII, God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, and Halo Reach....
My thoughts exactly. Those two games are games that have made me tear up before, each time I play them. They also happen to be my two favorite games of all time. On the 360 there aren't too many emotional games imo. Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata are probably your best bets. Especially Lost Odyssey. The melancholic atmosphere of a game centered around someone who cannot die is really great. The dream sequences are perhaps the best parts of the game.
The lack of matchmaking is already a huge flaw imo. I'd play it a lot more if it had it. I'm finding that I'm mostly just playing Halo 3 online in the new mythic playlists
Maybe. A ton of good games are coming out this month and Demon's souls is lower down on my radar. Though honestly I really didn't know anythng about it until last week. It sounds interesting, but the environments look dull and monotonous, and I prefer RPG's that are heavily story-riven. Though I must admit, my interest in this game spiked when I saw a gameplay video of someone's character welding a huge ass sword. And I mean a HUGE ass sword.
I like to get achievements and often try to get as many as I can, but I don't play games I don't want to just for achievements. I never factor achievements into my purchase of a game, but once I have the game I do look at its achievements and try to get as many as I can. I don't let it get in the way though and usually don't worry about them as much on the first playthrough, since achievement hunting can be detracting from experiencing a new game for the first time.
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