...Did you read reviews before you bought it? That's like the point of the game... it's REALLY hard. My copy is coming in the mail... hopefully really soon...
I can't believe how many people are taking this seriously! It was a joke! And a hilarious one at that! Borderlands and MW2 both look like they will be great games
I bought mine for 54 dollars total at Fry's on release day. I could have gotten it for cheaper on Amazon but I didn't want to wait for it to come. It was worth every penny. I already beat it twice, once on hard and once on crushing, got the platinum trophy, and am now hooked on the multiplayer. I'm 99% sure it will be my GOTY, and equally sure many people will agree with me.
I agree with everyone else in saying you can't seriously rate a game before you've played it, but I have a feeling it'll feel like an 8.9... just below a 9. But we'll see on Tuesday
Sounds cool, but honestly I'm getting tired of developers announcing in detail upcoming dlc for a game that hasn't even shipped yet. Why not include the dlc on the disc? Or at least make it free? Or at LEAST wait a few months to announce it so we don't feel as ripped off? ...Either way though, I think I'll be getting it. haha. Zombies + Borderlands sounds awesome. I was just ranting a bit about the state of the situation in general with dlc, but I'm not that angry about it. Just wanted to throw it out there. Borderlands looks like a total blast and I cannot wait for it to release next week! Hopefully some reviews go up soon!
Kind of funny you talk about MGS4 and UC2 because I was just comparing the two while playing UC2. I've found that in the campaign, I love be stealthy. It gives you the option to either go all out stealth or full on guns blazing, or anything inbetween, which I find just great.
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