bluem00se's forum posts
and got 6.7 GB's of space back! I deleted every game I happened to have installed at the time from my 120 gb, and reinstalled each one for comparison. Here are my findings, hopfully this will contribute to a new install list somewhere.
COD 4 - 6.7 down to 6.5
FEAR 2 - 4.9 down to 4.2
Fable 2 - 6.8 down to 6.6
Fallout 3 - 5.9 down to 5.5
Forza 2 - 5.3 down to 4.7
Gears 2 - 6.7 down to 6.3
GTA 4 - 6.8 down to 6.5
Lost Odyssey Disc 4 - 6.0 down to 5.9
Ninja Gaiden 2 - 6.8 down to 6.7
Prince of Persia - 6.1 down to 5.2
Rock Band - 5.2 down to 4.9
skate 2 - 6.8 down to 6.6
Soul Calibur 4 - 5.9 down to 4.3
The Orange Box - 4.7 down to 3.9
As you can see, some game install sizes are much more drastic than others, but at a minimum you get back 100-200 mb's per game. :D
all i want is BC, other than that i'm happykweenithis. I don't care about the price... I already have one so why would I? It would be nice if the price dropped so that Sony would get a bigger install base and all that but it's not like it would directly affect me if they did or not.
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