I hope they include it. I have GoW1 and 2 on PS2 but my PS3 is non-b/c and I would just love to have all 3 on 1 blu-ray. Very smart move, they'll be stupid not to include this in the CE.
People who make fun of people online will do it over anything really. It's really pathetic sometimes but that's why there's a mute button. Though I must admit I hate hearing little kids talk on Live. Even if they're not being annoying their voices are always irritating over Live. I don't say anything, but many times I mute them. Sometimes I feel bad about it but I just can't stand it. Better than trash talking them for it like many people on Live do though...
Single player games, when done right, are better experiences than multiplayer games overall IMO. Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, etc are all games that have no mp (besides MGS3 and 4, but the mp was nowhere near the main focus of the games) but are richer and better experiences than an online match of CoD4 or Halo 3 ever will be. That's not to say mp games aren't good, as I love Halo 3 online, but it's not the same level of an experience. I see multiplayer games as fun and competition, but I see single player games as true experiences that online games cannot replicate.
All FF's that were released on the PS1 (including the re-releases like chronicles and such) but especially FFVII, especially since Japan just got the international version on the PSN so we know it's somewhat a possibility at least. Also the old Megaman X games, MGS1, and a bunch of other various PS1 games
Halo 3 mostly, and Final Fantasy X are 2 games I've been coming back to again and again since their respective release dates. Currently playing a ton of Halo 3 again now that the Mythic maps are out
I've played the Japanese version and it's great fun. But I had no idea what was going on in the story or how to play. Can't wait for the US release. It's definitely my most anticipated PSP game this year.
I'm really excited for this game. It's definitely my most anticipated upcoming release across any platform. The combat system details sound a bit iffy though... I mean it's cool that they're trying something new but I don't like the idea of controlling one character only in battle and the computer controlling the other 2 based on what you do... after all this is still a turn based rpg, not an action rpg. But I still have faith in Square Enix. I think this game will be amazing.
Haha this has been posted plenty of times but its all good. I got it a long time ago, took about an hour, so idk how many tries that equates to but it was quite a few!
I don't have either but I'd probably go with GH Metallica. The setlist just looks really solid, and I love metal personally. Plus metal is more fun to play in music games and GH Metallica is obviously jam-packed with it.
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