@blutfahne: somebody asked he answered..or would you prefer he just posts a page of herpy derpy Derp..You would probably understand that better,seems more on your level
Typical paranoid took it the wrong way Kerbal response.
Steam tag is stupid, I never use it or even look at it. So, yay for gamers who exploit something pointless?
also I haven't had any problems with uplay, so cry me a river.
Steam tag system is great. Instead of having to watch videos or scroll all the way down to read the description you can quickly scan right and see what type of game it is. Plus it's players opinion not some overpaid marketing executive. His opinion means nothing and cannot be trusted.
PCM is basically just the audio channels being straight to your device by the game. DD and DTS are encoded signals, both limited in their bandwidth. Sort of like getting MP3's instead of FLAC. You can encode games into DD 5.1 if you have the right sound card and download the right plugin. Games don't have DD or DTS encoding built in because there's zero need for it. DD and DTS are more accessible and can be sent over an optical cable, unlike lossless signals.
You guys don't know what you're talking about!?!?!?! Ryse sone of Rome is truly effin next gen masterpiece!!!! MASTERPIECE!!!! NEXT GEN!!!!!XBONEGENERATIONX1MASTERPS4!!!!
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