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many things...

for the last few days ive been quenching my thirst for science fiction by reading the alternate reality of 40k, where the tau have taken over, and DAM is it one of the best things i have ever read in my life. its called the rise of the tauit can be found here,I advise this to anyone who likes 40k (essi anddeshield,im looking at you)

also upon searching through peoples profiels i have found quite a few people who are tracking my blog and that made me feel really special :D

also how do you go about adding people as friends on this website cos i looked everywhere and cant find the dam option to add people (no essi im not looking at you :P)

also i downloaded the gmod movie, war of the servers. now dont think that this is a 10 minute movie with some funny stuff going on

the is a movie

yes it is a spoof of war of the world but this is a 2 hour long gmod fest, and it is brilliant.

so what else....

o due to me not being able to eat for 6 weeks from when my jaw got broken ive had to start drinking these special nutrient filled milkshakes. and can i just say

id rather drink my own poo

these are the single most disgusting things i have ever let into my body and eat time ive drank one i feel like im going to be sick...stupid chavs...stupid police not finding them...

now erm gaming news...

i would talk about blizzcon and starcraft 2 but... i havent seen the vids yet (due to whenever i load up the video thing for gamespot, it doesnt load)



yea thats about it, im off to read the rise of the tau bye!

Eve online.... gave me a virus

i was just reading up on this game and i suddenly had the massive urge to play it

so i downloaded the trail and after playing through the tutorial, my computer restarted. and wouldnt start up again.

i eventually got it working by turning off all my overclocking and stuff, where i ran my virus checkers

every time i came up against at least 15 different virus's, including one called Not-A-Virus >.>

and the restarts are a lot less common but my comp refuses to turn on if i turn anything up, so im stuck with 1.3 ghz and 700 summit ram grr

my computer aint picking up anything but the Chkdsk does

so if i go quiet for ages

its cos my computer has finnaly died

Well that was fun...

well after going out yesterday to buy REmake and resident evil 2 i was jumped by a bunch of chavs >.>

broke me jaw and everything, *****...

so i started my summer holiday off to a good start

now my face looks like the guys off bo selecta

anyway went hospital, gave statement to the police (which took 3 hours), went home, and played REmake for 7 hours straight XD

im tired...

so yea its an awesome game and im about 1/3rd of the way through and dam is it hard

and it doesnt help that the people on the REmake forums are complete ideots...

so back to my gaming news:

HALO 3, for some reason ive become obsessed with halo all of a sudden and ive become searching for the books

what else

MASS EFFECT, can this game get any more awesome...


o and rumours that mgs4 is going 360

i dont beleive them but if it does there will be no reason to get a ps3 sooooo........

so yea thats another update fromme with my broken jaw

bye all

my challenge

i have recently undergone a self appointed challenge

to buy and complete every single resident evil before resident evil 5 comes out

ok i kinda cheated as when i started 2 weeks ago i had already re1 re3 re4 recvx and re:outbreak, i have completed re1 re3 and re4

so games i need to still buy/complete:




re gun surivivor

re GS 2

re: gaiden


so yea i recently purchased a GC from a friend so i can now get all these games

i know ive forgotten 2 or 3 so just comment on this to say which ones ive missed



im the one on the left, the middle one is my friend oletha and the one on theright is tabbi

wh0op for unneeded random information

new post... **** to be me

havent posted here on ere in a while sorry my adoring fans













i am inquisitor bmarrow and i am from the ordos dowhatyouwant and i want a lesbain

dam me and my lesbian lovingness



hour of victory

got a 2 on gamespot

i would give it a 10 out of 10 cos that game is so full of win its not funny... ITS FREAKING HILARIOUS

hey look that mans shooting at me

*walks up to man*

*man spazzes out and runs towards me*

*man wacks me ALOT, my health goes down slowly*

*steps back*

*man raises gun*

*steps forward*

*man lowers gun*

*makes man dance using a combination of forward and back stepping*

ok now you die!

*slits mans throat*

what else... o yes! throwing knife, when he throws it, he actually just points it at poeple adn a knife flies out of your stomach into the person your looking at

basically you point at people and they die


now what other games

o i found out i am a natural at gears of war

me and my friend, xbox live, mansion, were in the house, i got the sniper hes covering my flank. man walks through door

now i did something so brilliant

i actually named it


he walked through the front door

i stood up to aim and shot instantly

and his brains showered the wall behind him

then a second guy came in through the upstairs door, with a torque bow

i dont think he even got a chance for the crosshair to go near me before i blew his head in two and sprayed the guy behind him with gore

my friend then shot him to hell with lancer, downed him, he got up, ahem insta-headshot

so yea i will just leave on this note

i might fall in love with lesbians but dam am i a good shot

SUPCOM!!!!! (caps)

the supreme commander demo is so much better then i thought

i had the beta but there was summit bout it that was just so.....rubbish. but the demo is alot better. they have optimised it. made it generally better looking and even more impressing. the balancing is also good and the game is no longer a rush to tier 3.

i myself am addicted. when ur on normal ai and u got so much resorces and units it just becomes a nice little playground where u can experiment with different stratagies. for instance hav 7 battleships attack the enemy base while an aircraft carrier brings over 20 tier 3 bombers all with tactical nukes in em.

im also gettin pretty good

i can beat normal in less then an hour with stable resources 2 factories and an assortment of units from different tiers. the most fun thing ive done is put a mobile sheild generator and 2 siege bots on a transport adn just hover 15 of em over the enemy base.

u no talkin about supreme commander is makin me wanna play it. im gonna go and play supcom

woo 11 days till ful realese

WOO SUPCOM DEMO and awesome dawn of war match

well its tuesday 10:15pm here in england and im downloadin the supcom demo. Been lookin at some game music to play. right now i got 260 summit songs. mostly rock but i love eminem and his songs really put u in the mood to go online and whoop some noobs arse at a game.

talkin bout online. i played a really good match of dawn of war dark crusade with a guy named phillis summti versus 3 hard ai's. Imperial, orks and tau. not good when ur on the highest settings possible for a game. so the game lagged. alot. but not to the point where it wasnt playable.

so we were doin really well they started to swarm us but i was fending them off with my berserkers (i was chaos and he was space marines). those guys can take some punishment

1 sqaud fended off a ork swarm for about 5 minutes. I was so proud :D. and he was creating a drop pod army while i had some cultists in the corner behind the enemy so that the bloodthirster could flank em. then i had a spark of inspiration. i moved my cults in between the ork and the tau base and told him to drop pod his termies and dreds into the bases. and he did. and guess wot. the ai's fell back or did a strategic retreat or summit so i was all happy and with my 2 sqauds of berserkers and predators followin them. he gater his troops in the tau base and killed their hq just as the enemy army arrived. it was kasyr lutien so wen they crossed bridge the were caught up in a little killzone. so we slaughtered all of them. and then after ALL that wen the enemy was crippled. i got the bloodthirster. AFTER the battle. so i was like great long wait for nothin.

i cant remember his exact but it was phillis summit so if at the odd chance he looked at this im overlordjebus so like add me on friends so we can play with each other again.

so anyway wot else happened in my game world. erm except for the supcom demo nothin much happened.


seiges on big castles on medievil 2 total war break my computer. so i stopped playing it

zombie mods on cs

i have recently been playin quite a feew of these and they are really fun. sent in an application to be an admin :D. these are a few ip addresses for those that have steam,


the idea is that u have every1 on the same team and after about 3 seconds b4 one person is chosen at random to start off as a zombie and one hit with a zombie turns u into a zombie. problem

the zombies have 2000 health

and u arent aloud anythin more powerful then an smg or shtogun. except nades

so everyone rushes to different rooms to baricade doors with the randomly placed vending machines and sofas

the maps are very well map and if u like zombies ull love these. but there is one thing that really annoys me.

the maps

some of them arent map very well

zs_valley is one of the worst. everyone just sits in the middle and shoots every zombie on the map. this completely defies the point of the survival part of the game

so this is my first ever blog and i hope i have let a few poeple into the world of cs zombie servers.