yea after my supreme lack of activity... anywhere, ive decided to go back to the good old days, where i wrote blogs about my life in general almost every day, cos i miss the old times, whoring around on the forums, whoring around at school, generally whoring around
someone actually said that to me, that i dont seem to have any skills, i just get through life 'whoring about'! I was outraged, i mean, i do have skills!
so yea, my friend got me halo: contact harvest for christmas, but because i knew my dad had already gotten me it, i rewrapped it, and gave it back to him, yea its evil and wrong and unethical, but as long as he doesnt find out, its okay ^^
ooo and theres this girl that is a friend of a friend, who i havent seen in months (we had a thing shortly, then she got fat and i aint seen her since) but her friend that i met once for like 10 seconds is pretty hot and ive been talking to her lately on msn, and i soon as im ungrounded, im probly gonna meet up with her, one of those things on my ever growing to do list...
o about my groundation, turns out when you get mostly A*s in your first year of GCSE, doesnt mean you will in your second, were a third through the year and im getting all D's, turns out you do have to do work at school, not just waste away your ICT lessons bypassing the schools firewall and going on games and forums. So as a result of this, my parents have grounded me ALL holiday, which isnt fair, OUR SCHOOL GETS AN EXTRA WEEK OFF (cos were awesome) AND I HAVE TO SPEND IT STUDYING.
meh, it could be worse, i HAVE spent the last 2 days playing mass effect (seriously, i cant put it down!)
today, i had to wipe out a species :(
i was sad, but they had to die, otherwise i could of restarted a war that ravaged the universe 2000 years prior to the game
o and i shot a guy, but i felt really sorry for him, so i restarted from the last save, and saved him :D
basically, he had a gun to a doctors head, and he explained that the good doctor had wiped out his squad by releasing a bunch of aliens on them, then captured him, and ran loads of tests on him
the doctor says that theres no evidence on this, but he was a profesor for a unethical company that i had taken down during another side mission, so i didnt like him, but i pitied him, cos he had a gun to his head, and he was unemployed (due to the taking down of his company i just mentioned) so i tried to reason with the him, but that failed, so i shot him, and felt really bad, cos i talked to the good docter, and he was an ****head, so i reloaded fom the last save, talked to the guy, i was alot (is that a word?) this time, and defused the situation, and now the guy is in therapy, and the doctors rotting in some intergalactic jail, so everybodys happy!
o and i also got sun tzu and the art of war for christmas, so ill be reading those once ive read contact harvest
till next time peoplez! *does a cool dude salute and strides off into the sunset*
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