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360,000 creatures... in two days.

there are 172800 seconds in two days, the article is correct, more then 2 creatures are being made per second, and those are just the ones uploaded.

i mean, this is ALOT, i like to think i helped create a few of these, but lets put this into perspective,

the Spectacled Eider, essentially, the brown duck, numbers at around 360,000 in population, and that is a species that has been around for thousands of years, and in two days, we overtook it.

now, heres what i thought would be scary, imagine if in the future, we gave people the abilility to create monsters in the same way as spore, but they became real after that.

imagine what that would be like

an extra 360,000 random species popping up all over the globe, most heavily armed, recreations of our sci fi fantasys, i think its safe to say the zerglings would have a field day (on the website, zergling numbers have racked up over 300 already)

Imagine pokemon walking down your street, quite nice actually, then imagine something like THIS walking down your street.

this is where spore is heading, soon real pieces of clay will be moulded into abominations, and it will spell the end of the world 0.0

much love, BM

FOX.... DIE!!!!!! Nah not really...

yes, i have returned, me and all my crazy have decided to start coming to glitchspot yet again.

i know these extended leaves of absence are becoming a habit, but its for the greater good!

i haz a job u c, and i will soon have enough money to get all the stuff i need, a new computer, xbox live... thats really about it...

so, gaming wise, how am i holding up

well, bought mgs4 on the day of release, even though i am seemingly lacking in a ps3... dont worry i had a plan

my friend then came over, paid for half the game.... AND GAVE ME HIS HALO 3 LEGENDARY EDITION SPARTAN HELMET GUYS!!!

ok, then

i played



24 hours straight

on thursday night

at 9:00

we began,

then at 9:00 the next night

the last cut scene began.

i didnt sleep, me and my friend did take turns, but still, i went hella long time.

for those of you that havent played mgs 4 yet, you know those shows they have, where its like, films to see before you die, well mgs is a little like that, in the way it might as well be a movie, seeing how the rumor of a 90 minute cutscene are true, along with a 50 minute cutscene that involves everything from vampires to robots to cyborg ninjas (seriously, those things are common sights in mgs)

oh and i would turn g a y for Johnny Sasaki, i mean he is one beautiful man.

not to mention he has one fat ass sniper rifle!

so... see you guys on the forums ^^

So..Err... Yeahhhhh

Those of you who have been wondering where ive been for 2 weeks, you no need wonder whether i died of exhaustion anymore!


my house recently switched internet providers, they ****ed up, really bad. Thats why i havent been on for ages.

Did my drama exam a few days ago, a devised piece with me and my friend. The examiner liked it, but because of the fact it was BALLS anyway, i dont think i passed drama.

Oh, and if your all wondering what i chose about my game situation, i got GTA 4

now, heres the deal, GTA 4 is a great game, its fun, addictive, the characters lovable, and by far the best GTA to date (i have ALL the other GTA's) but the thing is, its not the best game ever. Its a strange game, and i think a casual addiction is what best describes how much i like it. When i play it, i cant put it down, i love it and every aspect of it, its an awesome game and i never want to put it down (longest solid playtime 9 hours 42 minutes FTW!!) but the thing is, when im not playing it, i dont feel the urge to play it.

When you get a new game, your always like WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL AND NOT PLAY MAH NOO GAME!!! With GTA, its not like that, i put it down and im like 'Ok' and then go write a blog about it. I dont know what it is, i always think of myself as a hardcore gamer, getting as much completed in the shortest amount of time and going hours on end with no other human contact, but GTA is my casual game, its my bit on the side, like cheating on all your other games with a much hotter, sexier game that you want to spend as much time as possible having sweet love with but when your not withit you dont really care.

so yea, thats my review of GTA 4, My casual drug.

see ya next time!

Hour 41.

this is it, 2 oclock in the morning on the 24th of april.

this will mark hour 41 of me not sleeping.

i have been awake since tuesday morning, it is now thursday morning, and im a tad tired.

why, well ive been doing business coursework.

i am the human personification (i think thats the right word) of 'if you put your mind to it you can do anything'

you know whats keeping me awake, its not the energy drinks that ive been drinking, its not my strive to do well in my business studies, i looked at why i was doing this.

im doing it out of spite.

im prooving to my business teacher that a person can go two years without doing ANYTHING, then in the last week, get a pass, all the annoyed speeches, all the lectures on how we are going to fail, even today, when we had spent a whole night before doing work, he said he was going to withdraw us, i asked for an extra day of improvements and he said 'ill give you an extra day, but tomorrow morning your gonna come to me and be all like 'oh i need to go print stuff of' and 'oh but sir i havent finished'. I so wanna be wrong, i really really want to be wrong, i want you to come in tomorrow and shove my speech down my throat! but its not going to happen, cos you dont do any work'

well sir, here i am, shoving that ****ing speech down your ****ing throat! you gonna shove it down there so far your gonna be s***ing praise to us!

you look out mr stewart, theres a storm brewin.

A gaming decision.

Ok, due to the fact i have not had a new game since mass effect which was CHRISTMAS, i have decided that since i have not spent over £50 in the last month, i am going to buy a new game.

what has really made me want a new game is the fact that a new shop has opened in bedford, it is called Cex.

Now, everyone here, american or english, i want you to buy all you games from the Cex in bedford, why? Because if Cex closes because people like YOU aren't buying games from it, i will kill someone, most likely YOU. Why? Cex is an entertainment exchange shop. That means EVERYTHING is literlary half the price that it is in a my other local comercial retailer, Game. Guitar hero 3? Game: £75 with guitar, £45 without guitar, Cex: £55 with guitar', nuff sed, Halo 3, Game: £35, Cex: £16, Mass effect special edition, Game: £40, Cex £25. I think i made my point.

so, back to my decision, do i

A) not get a new game, wait till june and get xbox live, then halo wars and end war, but risk Cex going out of business.

B) Get guitar hero 3 now, then halo wars, then endwar for my birthday.

C) buy a bunch of really old games to keep me occupided then get Endwar and Xbox live, then halo wars for my bday...

D) get GTA 4 when it comes out straight away, then get halo wars for my bday, then wait another year for xbox live and endwar.

oh by the way, i only buy games that are really really really worth buying, due to the rarity i go out and buy a new one. And ive already made my decision that i WILL get endwar and halo wars.

How to Rick Roll

Well, as most of you know, something known as 'Rick Rolling' someone has become something of a new internet fad, so i decided to make a guide on how to Rick Roll someone, but do it properly:










You sirs, just got Rick Roll'd

But you see, that was a very bad sort of Rick Rolling, I mean, you were probably expecting it right? and even if you weren't, you probably weren't at all that excited about what I was going to say, well, now im going to tell you how to Rick Roll properly.

But, before we begin, just what is a 'Rick Roll'

The 'Rick Roll' was something that began, like most internet fads, on 4 chan It was first posted to a website called where if you do go to the site, the song Never going to give you up by Rick Astley starts playing (which honestly, i like) and you are bombarded with annoying pop ups saying the lyrics whenever you tried to exit it. This has grown into the youtube rick roll, a much easier and simpler way of Rick Rolling, where you simply tell someone that there is a video of something on youtube, post a youtube link, and then when it loads, it starts playing the video to this song.

Now that you all know what Rick Rolling is, lets start with what makes a good Rick Roll

1st Rule: Find the right video

now, this may sound like its not very important, but with this above video, its not very good. Now you're probably wondering, what makes a good Rick Roll video, well, firstly, a good Rick Roll video needs to be of good quality, which isnt hard to find really, but most importantly, it needs to start playing the song the second your computer opens the page. A good example of a bad Rick Roll video is the one i posted above, where it comes up with the words You've been Rick Roll'd before playing the song, this takes away the impact, as the victim doesnt have to hear the song and can simply close it as soon as the title comes up.

Here is my favourite Rick Roll video:

2nd Rule: Get the victim interested

its all well and good just posting something like THIS IS A FUNNY VIDEO HAHAHAHAHA and then the link, no ones gonna believe you then, but if you post something lots of people will be interested in, like say you on a halo forum, something like OMGLOLOLOL HALO 4 TRAILER LOLOLOL is a bit stupid, as no ones going to believe you, yet if you post, New bungie interview or something, people will be interested and take you more seriously and more people will click the link = MAOR RICK ROLL'D

3rd Rule: Make the victim excited

As you see above, you need to draw in interest of the victim, but this isnt enough, if someone is interested in something, theyll click on it, see its a Rick Roll and be like 'oh, i got Rick Roll'd' which isnt what we want in a good Rick Roll. A good Rick Roll makes the victim shout 'OH MY GOD THAT ****ING ****ER JUST RICK ROLL'D ME!!!!'. So what you need to do is say that the link your posting is of something really interesting. Again, an example of on a halo forum, to post something like 'Master Chief doing Kung Fu', as this would be really funny, and the person will be like 'this is gonna be hilarious... OH MY GOD THAT ****ING ****ER JUST RICK ROLL'D ME'

see my point?

the three key things about making a good Rick Roll, The Video, Make it interesting and Make the victim excited

now that you've read all this, you can go away safe in the knowledge i have WAY too much spare time >.>