Vanquish? Honestly, a superficial comparison, only because of added mobility, I guess. What stood about that game is how masterfully intertwined health/energy/movement/AR mode/shooting mechanics were and "played in sync" with one another.
From gameplay perspective there are a ton of more abilities and it seems enemies will come with greater variety, in numbers and "classes". Also leveling seems a lot better. Classes mattered little from rp point of view, now at least there will be a lot of room for experimentation. Not sure how I feel about only three active abilities at the same time. More customization options and more in depth leveling...probably the most "rpg" of all Mass Effect games, at least concerning combat/gameplay.
However gunplay is weaker: sounds are not that good, recoil is minimal, static crosshair( always the little dot) and animation hit feedback next to other recent TPS( MP III, Mafia, QB, etc) is far below in comparison. Plus enemy AI seems a bit too passive, but that require longer length to examine.
And they also removed pause and control of the previews, their AI didn't look promising. Overall, less teamwork.
So improving some things, downgrading others...what's new at Bioware?
@notchedbandit: Lol. Like a child in Kindergarten, little boy sees someone playing with a better toy, becomes angry and yells: "It sucks! It does, it does, it does!!!"
Attacking another game that has little in common with it, instead of stating it's own very silly and weak.
Blood and Wine is so far above others here, it's almost funny (Well actually, it is funny. :P). But seriously others expansions are also outstanding, great some of the old school is coming back.
BoboTheMighty's comments