@kjouda: Then go find a nearest cliff and stop showing up on everything Witcher related. Nobody cares..you're only making yourself look miserable and desperate for attention.
And I played all the games you mentioned...all of them combined cannot compete with the amount of love and detail that went into this game.
@njs72: How? Dude, if someone had told me he had sex with alien, I'd find that more believable. Animations and transition between them are vastly superior in Witcher in comparison( they used a real martial expert for motion capture),,,same way as Arkham Knight is ahead of Witcher. When it comes to character rotation and movement, DS almost feels like a more modern version of RE Remaster...stiff, unnatural and clumsy movement, exactly like controlling a truck. As for intuitive mechanics, that is absolutely false...unless you wish to spend hundreds of hours of play testing, new players need on line guides to understand how stats in DS affect gameplay, their soft/hard caps, I frame windows... there is no explanation or tutorial of any kind. It's learn through die experience, that many people find pointlessly frustrating.
You're 100% right about hitboxes...in Witcher most are good, but DS completely wins on that.
@kozzy1234: Honestly man, I think you're pushing it and oversimplifying DS by a mile,,,there are plenty of things in game play mechanics of From games deserving of praise. But I also get the feeling their fan base is incredibly quick to jump and ridicule other games for their flaws, while willing to be blind to even the most obvious you'll find there.
I would place this game's combat somewhere in the middle "tier" of the more popular action games( subjectively, somewhere between Kingdoms of Amalur and Shadow of Mordor)...it's a step ahead of almost all western action rpg's, but we'll still have to wait a long while before we seem them challenge anything like Bayonetta or DmC.
@njs72: I'll never understand Dark Souls fans complaining about movement and controls in other games. If I need to jump over a gap in DS, I need to press F a second BEFORE making a jump, to avoid falling down to death. And camera, lock on and combat UI is easily one of the worst I've come across...lock on doesn't stay locked on when facing moving opponents and camera very poorly follows players movement and glitches around, especially in tight quarters. And you cannot even quickly switch in between spells in combat.
@clasmae: You can compare a lot of things between different titles regardless of when they were released. But majority of these gamer "debates" have nothing to do with games...it's a dick size contest, where everyone's bashing another one's favorite, seeking attention and validation from opinions of others.
Why do fans of art don't yell at one another over whether Rembrandt or Picasso is more "overrated"?...because it comprises of adult audience who realize that when it comes to things that exist for entirely personal enjoyment, your own opinion is the only one that counts. Trying to convince random strangers by yelling on the Internet about it and the only thing you succeed, is in making yourself look pitiful by showing how little confidence you have.
And to gamespot moderators...please consider adding an option to hide comments with too many negative flags. Comment section from something like eurogamer is far more enjoyable to read when posts of these children that troll other titles taking away spotlight from their favorite, are more easily removed.
@khaleefa91: In your case there is no need to feign any kind of ignorance. And you would do well to reread some of your own comments for any case of biased fanboyism...criticizing this game for technical issues and core mechanics, while praising a still unreleased Bethesda game done on a poorly optimized game engine, outdated by more than a decade, And you expect anyone to even take you seriously?
BoboTheMighty's comments