would this work? its a gig and cheap nd how do I know if it will work with my computer? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211059
The Unreal has Unreal, Unreal Exp, Unreal 2, Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournament 2004. Obviously the game I am debating getting is The CSS with Counter Strike Source, Day of Defeat Source, and Half Life 2 Deathmatch. or Also I know it is a 360 game so bear with me, Battlefield 2 Modern Combat, my comp cant run BF so I thought maybe it was a good substitute, thanks for the help.
flight sim x uses up 400 megs ram anyway, so that would be a no go. if you like high framerates, you wont be able to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R or any really new FPS gamesizaak-onley039
thanks for the replys guys, so i should be ok to get all of those source multiplayer games right? Im also thinking of getting the Unreal Anthology, I checked that on the system requirements website and Unreal Tournament 2004 worked so all the others should as well.
what about my ram though? it seems to be low for some games. I tried that site and it said it was too low for Wow but i played wow on my system with only occasional lag. it also says it is low for Half Life 2. im really upset though because it says my comp doesnt even meet the minimum requirements for battlefield 2 :(
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