Here in Brazil, we have 5 major kids tv channels: Disney Channel, Disney XD, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and Discovery Kids. As I have 2 younger siblings, I have to sit though stupid programs that pass on these channels, and it makes me ashamed. Ashamed that the quality dropped so much from when I watched these channels.
First I want to clear one thing: being for kids isn't an excuse for not trying. This applies to games as well. What I mean is that most programs now a days only show cartoons that don't even make the kids think. Take for example "Blue's Clues" or "Dora Adventurer". They suck now that we are older, but they made us think and play attention to what the characters were saying. Dora even said little words in english, which made us learn simple things like "ball" and "map". Example of a nowadays good toddler show is "Backyardigans", since it is colorful, has different plots always and interesting songs for the kiddies.
So, yeah. This mostly apllies for Discovery Channel here. Most of its cartoons are like that. Now, on the other hand, we have the horrible decline that Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon had.
Let's start with Cartoon. When I was younger (i'm 14 now, and I say when I was around 7), we had the first animes to come to our contry, which were "Sailor Moon", "Sakura Cardcaptors", "Dragon Ball" and "Saint Seiya". They were show mostly at night, but they made us stay up at night to watch them. All those had intricate plots, great characters, romantic depths and great dubs. "Sailor Moon" was a bit too sexualized, but we, as kids, loved it. Other animes that passed on Cartoon were "Samurai X", "Ramma 1/2" and "Mirmo Zibang", and of course, "Pokemon". There was a nice balance on the onces for girls and the ones for boys, and my favourite out of those was actually "Sakura Cardcaptors", which still is my favourite anime. For cartoons, there was "Ed, Edd and Eddy", "Dexter's Laboratory", "Cow and Chicken", among other "Cartoon Cartoons". They were all very creative. Just look at "Cow and Chicken"! A cow and a chicken as siblings! This is crazy, and awesome. This is what Cartoon is missing nowadays. Creativity. Nowadays cartoons seem so simmilar to the older ones, and worse versions of them. Take a look on one of the most popular now, "Ben 10". The concept of a boy transforming in different monsters isn't that original at all, and the execution falls flat on the concept of "mosters of the day". Anyone could come up with the plots of it, even though the sequel series is more thoughfull. "The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack" and "My Gym Partner is a Monkey" shows the example of how the writers have run out of creative ideas to things that are just plain stupid, and with plots so unbeliviably dumb that is just not fun to watch. Even my brother can barely sit though them.
Now about Nick. They are best known for "SpongeBob", "The FairlyOdd Parents" and others, and some live action series. SpongeBob was frekin awesome on the begining, and till about 2004. The episodes were incredibly creative and, most importantly, funny. Even my parents saw it and laughed (not just a fake laugh to please kids). I was seeing some videos about Patrick funniest moments, and they were really LOL moments. But unfortunately, the series is just downhill. While it still is reasonably funny, there is one big problem. The plots. They only focus on two things right now: SpongeBob and Patrick annoying Squidward or SpongeBob being dumb with Mr. Krabs. This is not funny or fun to watch, as it only makes you fell either bad for Squidward or with anger with SpongeBob or Mr. Krabs. So yeah, it lost its charm. Worst than this is their other flagship series, "The FairlyOdd Parents". Here in Brazil, 'till half of season 5, it was broadcasted by Fox Kids/Jetix/Disney XD. In 2008, the rest began to be broadcasted by Nickeloadeon. And ever since the begining of the season, the series just became worse, worse and worse. For example, the first episode of the season, which focused on Crash Nebula, is probably one of the worst episodes of the series ever. It just isn't any entertaining, and ever as a kid, I couldn't stand it. Truthfully, there were quite a few episodes I really didn't like, but there were some gems of animation, like "Power Mad!" and "Tiny Timmy!". And ever since they got the baby, it just had an overflow of new characters that just were too stupid or not fun, and Cosmo himself became insuferable. Not to talk about the ridiculously large amout of contradictions in the series, such as Timmy being supposedly frozen in time, that is, 10 years old forever, but there were more than one episode were he had a birthday party, and he stayed with the same age, not to mention a lot of other minimal and major plot holes. In my contry, the series has a huge problem with dub, that Timmy himself is dubbed by the same guy that does the voice for the likes of Cory of "Cory in the House" (which suked), and since he got older, he now has to force his voice, and it just sounds bad. When it comes to live action series, they normally are too simplistic to be greatly enjoyable. I love "The Amanda Show" and "Kenan and Kel", cause they were hilarious, and also enjoyed the way "Unfabulous" portrayed the real world. But then there are shows like "Drake and Josh", which try to mix the two former, in portraying the reallity and being just plain weird. But it fails, having horrible plots, annoying characters and being too unrealistic to viewers relate too or not too crazy to go on an acid trip with it. Also, considering the last shows I got to watch, which are "iCarly" and "The Naked Brothers Band", it makes me realise that the writers at Nickelodeon can do really funny stuff with the former, and a really boring and unfunny one with the last. I don't think ICarly is perfect though, as I think it has problems with character development, specially Spencer, and I think that it at times can be too annoying and stupid, but normally its randomness is funny. The new cartoons on the channel are also a pain, like "Fanboy and Chum Chum" and "Mighty B!", which are really uncreative and just annoying to sit though
I probably sounded really nippicking and an old man trying to find flaws, but this is who I see the downhill of Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. I could give more detailes, but still. I think this is enougth. Just to clarify, this is how the channels are in my country. In yours, it may be a bit better, considering the programation.
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