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What do you think about my SoulSilver team?

While japanese gamers are playing Pokemon Black and White right now, I'm still playing Pokemon SoulSilver, which is probally my favourite Pokemon of all time. But I just want to show my team to you, since i believe it is actually the best I've ever made.

Porygon-zNasty Plot/Discharge/Ice Beam/Signal Beam

Porygon-Z lv.48

CharizardFlamethower/Fly/Dragon Pulse/Blast Burn (holding Charcoal)

Charizard lv.44

FeraligatrSurf/Avalanche/Crunch/Hydro Cannon

Feraligatr lv.43

SceptileFrenzy Plant/Energy Ball/Drain Punch/Screech

Sceptile lv. 44

MetangStrenght/Metal Claw/Psychic/Earthquake

Metang lv. 45

PupitarCrunch/Rock Slide/Thrash/Screech

Pupitar lv. 44

I don't want to be cocky, but I actually think this is an amazing team. Porygon-Z is great, it can use a variety of diferent moves, so it can be used for a variety of types, plus it has amazing special attack. I don't think anyone can argue against Charizad: besides looking amazing, it can learn a variety of moves plus has great stats. Feraligatr is very balanced, but his best stat is Attack, and since you have to have Surf though the entire game, is not very recomendable to give it Waterfall, but still is great. Sceptile is a pretty good grass-type, but learns horrible moves, having to stick with Absorv for a long time, but still is very good, specially if you use TMs on it. Metang has a great type, and learns some great moves, but i'm holding it from evolving so it can learn those move earlier. For last, Pupitar evolves into Tyranitar, which is a great pokemon, though, a lot like Dratini, you have to stick with a not-so-strong evolution for a long time, but still is great, even before evolving. Most of them were caught/recived on my last playthough, so they get more experience.

So, like I said before, tell me what you think of my team.

Tell me what you tihnk about my team in Pokemon Diamond

I just finished Pokemon Diamond again (actually, i finished it about 5 minutes ago) and i remembered how enyoable that game is. If you haven't played it, play it now! LOL. Now, i wanna post it to know what you tihnk about the team i use to defeat the Elite Four, which i personally belive has pros and cons, which i'm going to list a few of them.

Honchcrow Lv.47

Night Slash/Aerial Ace/Fly/Nasty Plot

Umbreon Lv.47

Dark Pulse/Toxic/Confuse Ray/Shadow Ball

Luxray Lv. 47


Torterra Lv.51

Wood Hammer/Leech Seed/Rock Climb/Earthquake

Mantine Lv.46

Surf/Waterfall/Signal Beam/Confuse Ray

Lucario Lv.48

Aura Sphere/Close Combat/Flash Cannon/Dragon Pulse

Belive it or not, i beat the champion with this low leveled team, and it was not easy. Now for a brief review of what i think of my team.

Honchcrow has amazing physical and special and learns some great moves. As a Murkow, is specially usefull, since it has high stats for a low leveled pokemon, but on its full stage, its low defense "shines" though, so he is very fragille to use, and can die easily. Umbreon is a very tactical pokemon, since it has amazing defenses, but bad attack, so Toxic and Confuse Ray are great techniques to give to him, but can be a bit hard to use and train. Luxray is fantastic, with very balanced stats, but it learns crap move, only learning Spark and Discharge by levelm, so giving Thunderbolt by TM is basicly required. Torterra was my starter (obviously) and can be incredibly strong by the end of the game, with great stats and great moves, though it loses its resistance to water, since it has a Ground sub-type. Mantine has great special defense, so he can be a gret tank, but it attack isn't too good, so he can be a glass cannon. And Lucario is fantastic, with amazing stats, a great typing and great moves, so he is definitelly recomended to be used.

So that is it. Tell me what you think of my team.

Plans for the vacations/Guide to ultimate Super Mario RPG boss (SPOILERS)

Since vacations started, i have a nerdy plan to fullfill on it. I'm gonna finish all the Mario RPG games that i have, which really won t take that much long. I have the three Paper Mario games, Super Mario RPG and Mario & Luigi for the GBA. I'm already in the end of Super Mario RPG and Super Paper Mario, so i think i can do it. ;)


Now for some related stuff. If you played Super Mario RPG, you know that Smithy is not the toughest boss in the game, but a boss named Culex, created as an alusion to the Final Fantasy series, which was created by Square Enix, who also created Mario RPG. After seeing some videos on the internet about how he was, i tried to take him on last night, expecting some real challenge. Did i got it? Sure did, he is one tough son of a b****, but i will post my strategy so that your fight can be easier.

My team was Mario, Peach and Geno. Mario had the Lazy Shell, the Fire Shirt and the Amulet; Peach had the War Fan, Lazy Shell (armor) and the Ex. Booster and Geno had the Hand Cannon, the Fire Cape and Wake Up Pin. Peach using the Lazy Shell is invincible; she takes 1 damage most of the time, but her magic is a bit lowered, so it is up to you.I went to the battle after defeating the Axem Rangers, and my team was, respectively, 21, 20, 20.

The big problem of the fight is that Culex has 4 crystals with him (Final Fantasy, anyone?), and all them attack with some kind of magic. Star first with the Wind Crystal, the one with less HP, but more defense, but little magic defense. You can use either Geno Flash or the Ultra Jump. The Ultra is better than the Super because it will deal some damage to the other enemies too. So spam Ultra Jump like crazy, heal whenever you need, and make Geno and Peach attack the Earth Crystal, which has less defense, but a ton of HP and magic defense. After the Wind Crystal is done, use Mario normal attack to kill the Earth Crystal too, with will deal a lot. I also recomend you use Geno Boost on Mario; Culex has an attack called Shreeder which will take away your bonus, but you can do it again, and it is worth. Moving on to the Fire and Water Crystal, there isn't much of a strategy with them; i just spamed Ultra Jump and normal attacks on the Water, which is more dangerous. The crystals have all the attacks you can imagine: from Bolt to Corona, the damage may vary from little to a LOT.

Now for Culex himself. This guy has a lot of HP, so it will take a while. He has some really powerfull attacks, like Meteor Blast and Dark Star, so you have to be carefull, but, luckly, he runs out of FP after many turns, so his only option will be to attack you normaly, which is strong, but only attacks one at a time. With the guy only, your best bet is to use normal attacks, because his defense is not that great, but his magic defense is pretty strong, and the Lazy Shell can do almost 300 in one attack. Done.

After defeated, he will give you 244 Ex. points (whoa!) and a acessory named Quartz Charm, which isn't very usefull, but serves as a memento of the battle.

As alusions to Final Fantasy, his battle theme is a remixed version of the battle theme from FF IV, after you beat him plays theme when you win a battle and The Prelude plays during the conversation after he is beaten. Also, he really looks like a boss from Final Fantasy, and he makes allusions to the "Dark Knight". Hmm...

Well, i hope that i helped you to win this tough boss in a not-so-hard way.

Help me!!!!

I have already stoped playing Twisted Metal Head On, but when i tried to take it off my Now Playing games, it didn't work! I'd like to know if you know what is the problem and how i can resolve it. When i press the button to finish, it appears as if i was with a connection problem, which im not. Please help me!

Comparisson: Silent Hill franchise

I love Silent Hill, and while I can see why some people like it, like a cousin of mine that say it is boring, i belive it is one of the best franchises ever. I played the second game, the thrid game, Origins and Shattered Memories. I also have the fourth one, but from what i played it sucks so bad its not worth waiting for me to finish it to be on the comparisson. So now, I'll be comparing these fourth games on some categories, using the abreviations SH2, SH3, SH0 and SM.

While it is obvious that Shattered Memories has the best graphics, I think that i should also look on the artistic side. But, even looking at this point, Shattered Memories still is the best, because there is an amazing amout of detail on everything, from signs that you can look to a memorial that you can read perfectly. SM

The franchise is very well known for its sound, which creates an intense atmosphere on it. In terms of atmosphere, it is hard to determine what game has the best, but i think it has to go to all games. BUT, we have to consider the music, and in this category, both SH2 and SH3 win. ALL (SH2 and SH3)

The stories of the games are also normaly very good, but i can eliminated right of the bat Origins, because its story dosen't add anything to what we already know and doesen't stand well on its feet. This category should go to either one of the three, because all of them have great stories, so i can't decide which one has the best. ALL W/O SH0

While the 3D controls used in SH0 are great, its camera sucks, because it shifts too much between fixed angles and over the shoulder. Considering camera and controls, the best is SH3, because it added a 180º turn and the camera is pretty, while with some flaws. SH3

The gameplay between SH2 and SH3 is basicly the game, the only thing that differs are the puzzles. Origins also retains the same gameplay experience, but i think it has the best puzzles of all the games, but the game is ridiculously short, lasting between 2 and 4 hours. Shattered Memories kinda dosen't fit into the survivor horror category; it is more like a traditional adventure game, and while it fits the game, i think that it is not that great. If i had to choose between one or the other, I would go with SH3, just because i like the puzzles better. SH3

All the game offer multiple endings and some bonuses when you finish, such as more costumes and weapons, which encorage you to play more times. All these games offers a UFO ending, which is like a joke ending, in which some crazy sh*t happens, in some cases ending the game sooner. In therm of ending, i would go with Shattered Memories, but as it dosen't has dosen't have combat, you cannot unlock weapons. Silent Hill 2 also has some good ending, and additional weapons when playing at the second time, besides other costumes. In therm of unlockables, Silent Hill 3 and Origins offer more costumes and weapons. So in a nutshell, i have to give this to Silent Hill 3, due to the optional Heather Beam that you can unlock, which almost pushed the boundaries on what would be aceptable in the game, and to Shattered Memories and SH2 because of their endings. ALL W/O 0

My favourite game in the series by far is Silent Hill 3. Its story is great, the gameplay is balanced and has some great music, besides the replay value. While i belive all the games in the series are great, it is my favourite for now, though i'm planing of buying the first game, so i might make some changes on this list eventually

Silent Hill 3:6
Silent Hill 2:4
Shattered Memories:4
Silent Hill 0rigins:1

Movie Review: Alice in Wonderland (SPOILERS)

Everyone knows the story of Alice in Wonderland: a little girl named Alice falls into a world named Wonderland, and she has some crazy adventures there. So anyone seeing this movie would know the story right?... Actually, no.

The story takes place after the sequel to the original Alice in Wonderland, Though the Looking Glass, and finds our 19 year old Alice back at Wonderland, which she belives isdream, because in the begining of the movie, we see that she always had the same dream since she was a child, a dream where she was in Wonderland. So she thinks it is dream, and don't take anything too seriously. The story makes a good job on following what is already known from the past books, though it is dull in the first half, as it is anoying when Alice thinks everything is a dream, so she dosen't need to help to save Wonderland, but the ending mostly is great.

The characters are very well developed. In good or for worse, the most predominant character is the Mad Hatter, played by Johnny Deep. He does a good job on following the character insane way of being, but also his dilemmas. Though, it seems that the story follows to much the Hatter and less of Alice, which is played by Mia Wasikowska, who make a... so-so job in playing Alice. I say that because her acting is kinda bland, but Alice herself is not much developed as it should be, and her accent is annoying.

My favorite character from the stories, the Cheshire Cat, is here better than ever. He is funny and very well voice acted. Though, other suporting characters such as Tweedledee and Tweedledum and Mallymkin are there for no reason, are not funny and at times very obnoxious. The villan, the Red Queen, is played by Helena Bonham Carter, who does a good job on developing her, and keeps her a b*tch as ever. The White Queen is played by Anne Hathaway, who i personaly love, but she has to little time on the screen.

What should be mentioned is that this is the most hyped film since Avatar to come out in 3D. While there aren't alot of 3D "in your face" effects, it becomes much prettier and alive in 3D. Also, the overall design of the film is incredible, as the backgounds are incredibly detailed and really feel like Wonderland should.

Overall, this movie made a great attempt on following the story of Alice, and though there are some story and acting problems, it won't disapoint the viewer, due to its strong character development and visual effects. (B)

Silent Hill series contradiction (SPOILERS)

I finished playing Silent Hill 3 recently, and because i have played Shattered Memories first, i now noticed how Konami screwed up the Mason storyline. What i mean is that in Silent Hill 3 Harry Mason was killed with a single bullet in the heart, when Heather/Cheryl was 17/24. BUT!!!! on Shattered Memories, it is stated that Harry was killed in a car accident when Cheryl was about 6 or seven.

WTF??? Konami simply screwed the series great storyline. Explaning SM storyline as a completely originalentry, not a "reimagining", would mean that Harry was killed right after the events on the first game, and thinking of the storyline as taking place on the begining, the third game could never had happend, because Harry was already dead there, and Cheryl would be depressed.

The only explanation i can come is that Konami didn't though a nerd like I would think about the storyline of the series in such detail, so they thought about ignoring the already exsitence storyline, and starting a completely new one, which may mean this game takes place in a entierly new universe, where the events of the first and third game of the series would have happend. Period.

Now maybe the storyline of a video game series shouldn't be viewed as something absolute (Zelda storyline is a perfect example), but leave coments on what you think.

Book Review - "The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening"

I'm a huge Twiligh fan, and when i saw this book on selling, i bought it expecting to readsomething similar, due to the premise of the book. In some ways, the book is kinda similar, though it has some aspects that are very similar and some very different. Now, be warned,i will compare the book a lot to Twilight.

The story is about a girl named Elena Gilbert, who falls in love with the vampire Stefan Salvatore. Plague, anyone? However, this book came very before Twilight, in 1991, so in a way, Twilight is plaguing this book. Though, one thing is strictily different about this one: Elena, unlike Bella, is the most popular girl in school, and in a ice queen, and Stefan just moved into the town of Fell's Church, and is very older than Edward. The story follows a tippical love story but with a lot o mystical elements, like one of Elena's friend Bonnie who is a witch. The main villain of the story is Damon Salvatore, Stefan's brother who want's him dead.

The characters in general are way better than Twilight's, in the wasy that they have much more personality. Elena and Stefan are kinda similar to Bella and Edward in their relationship, but the before mentioned is more "healthy" and natural. The main friends, Bonnie and Meredith, are much more detailed than Bella's friends, and her ex-boyfriend Matt is also very likeable and realistic. That is another thing about The Awakening, the characters are more realistic than Twilight's.

One thing i kinda dislike is that there is a lot of backstory about Stefan, Damon and their love Katherine. Though it is well detailed and important to the story, it sometimes break the pace of the book. However, the one thing that Twilight wins in that it is more catchy, in the meaning that once you start reading, you can't stop, and with this one, it takes a little time to get into the book.

Overall, i really enjoyed the book, as the story is simple but very well developed and the characters are likeable, though it isn't very hooking to read. If you like this kind of vampire stories, you will really enjoy it, and will be exited to read the other chapters of the series.

My favourite video game music

I love listening to music. And i love playing video games, and if a game has a great soundtrack, it is a big positive for me. Here, i will list my favourite track is video games. It may include even more than one song from a single game. NOTE: don't complain if i haven't put some of your favourite on the list, because i may have not played the game, and no, this list don't include The Legend of Zelda Theme. Period

10#: "Super Mario Bros Theme" from Super Mario Bros
I don't think i have to say anything. It is a timeless song. I only put it low because everyone knows it and though i really like it, it can get somewhat annoying after listening for a few times.

9#: "Confrontation ~ Moderato 2009" from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Ace Attorney games always have good music, but as much as the music from this game didn't surprised me much, this one specifically is incredible and very well made. It fits completelly with the interogation part, and it isn't too loud to disturb you. Best track from the game.

8#: "Objection!" and "Inform the Truth"from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
As i said, the series has great music, and i think the first one has the best from all games. These two tracks that play on the trial complement each other, and create a great mood for the trial. Also, they are very cacthy and don't get too sick to listen to over and over again, mainly the second one.

7#: "Burn my Dread" from Persona 3
The first time i played, i wasn't very impressed with the music from Persona 3, but when i got to the end of the game and when i saw the opening of the game, i just feel in love with the track. I has a unique feeling that can't be matched with other tracks from the game. Also, the vocals are very well done too.

6#: "Wily's Stage Theme" from Mega Man 2
Everyone knows this track and how much it is good. The song is very catchy and certainly one of the best tracks made on an 8-bit system. Not much to say, because everyone knows it and how it well made. Great job Capcom!

5#: "Heaven" from Persona 4
The music in Persona 4 is fantastic, and the songs in the dungeons are incredible. This one specifically is my favourite, because it captures exactly what the dugeon is about: the innocence of an 8 year old girl. If you played the game, you know what i'm saying. This is one of the best songs in any RPG i've ever played.

4#: "The Prelude" from Final Fantasy IV
While there are tons of different versions of this song, but in this game, Nobuo Uematsu nailed it. The song has such passion and love, and though it is about 1 minute, i love just listening to it over and over again. The variations of the Prelude are always great, but to me, none can be better than this incredible piece of work.

3#: "Main Theme" from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Is incredible how the music from a series can just get better and better, and this one is sure to prove it. The track is such magic, and i listen to it many repeted times. It captures the essence of the game, and is just followed by other great tunes. It is just incredible. I don't even know how to express it.

2#: "Pursuing my True Self" from Persona 4
The songs in Persona 4 vary a lot, and this one has an electronic vibe. The lyrics basicly resume what the game is all about, and the melody is amazing. I think this is the cacthyest tune i've ever heard. When i first heard it, i knew i was in for one thing: the best RPG i have ever played

and the number one is...

1#:"You're Not Here" from Silent Hill 3
I know what you are thinking: what a song of a game like this is doing in number one? Well, first of all, the song's lyrics are the best in any video game song i've ever played, as it sums very well the main character. Second, the folk-rock vibe of it is one of the best melodies i've heard in any music, and you may listen to it all over againg without getting sick of it. This one of the music i listen the most inmy iPod and i am very happy to have brought the game. However, the main point of the music i like is the atmosphere, as it creates an atmosphere for the game, ever if it not very scary, but you will sure to be happy or frightned after hearing it.

Hope you liked my pics, and i will be posting the songs on the videos section when i get to level 10.

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (WARNING - Spoilers

I was eagerly awaiting for this game, and now that i played, i want to categorize it the same way i did the other of the franchise.

The graphics are undeniably the best in the series, featuring very well made backgrounds and character details. POINT

While i like the music in this one, it is kinda inferior to the previous instailments.

The game has 5 cases and it will ake about 15 hours to complete it. The cases in general are really good, with the stories well though out and a good ending always. I would say that my favourites are the 3th, the 4th and the 5th. I would also say that the fourth and the last case are some of my most favourite on the series. Though, none of them quite match the first game last case or Apollo Justice last case.

The game dosen't disapoint in new characters. The most important are Kay Faraday, which is like Maya, Shi-Long Lang, whose your rival and the Yatagarasu, composed of Detective Badd, Calisto Yew and Bryne Faraday. They are all great and have a great depth. POINT

The story is one of the main positives with the game, as it is very well developed and will never stop surpring you. I think i would say this is my second favourite story of the series, behind AJ one. POINT

For me, i would say this game is tied with Apollo Justice as my second favourite game in the franchise, and one that every gamer should experience.