I sent the following message to some of my closest friends yesterday and decided to post it here, too, since I consider many of you friends, too, and you've been supportive of me the past few years/months. I apologize if you are reading this twice because you also got it in e-mail.
Today is a good day and I wanted to share the happiness I'm feeling right now with you.
No- I didn't wake up skinny or rich or with an adoring handsome straight man in my bed. I just checked the status of my debt-consolidating thingy and as of 4-13-07, my plan is complete and I have a CREDIT balance of $500.00 - which means I'll actually be getting money back from them.
You can't imagine how it feels to see that I'm practically debt-free. (I'll never be totally debt-free as long as I need a place to live, internet service and utilities.) BUT, I am no longer in credit card debt up to my eyeballs and my student loan and car loan are paid off. (huge sigh) 5 years of paying cash for everything has been tight and sometimes frustrating because I was so jealous of friends who could pull out a credit card and buy things without even looking at the price. I've learned a valuable lesson and I don't see myself rushing out to get another credit card anytime soon.
My "move to the beach" fund is about 85% complete thanks to cashing out some company stock and an income tax refund that I received earlier in the year. I have a budget planned for the next 6 months and if I stick to it and there are no emergencies (knock wood), I should be in the position to move to the beach (or as close to it as my budget allows) at the beginning of October.
Part of me is considering waiting until the new year 2008 to move because I'm not so sure that I want to be looking for a full-time job during the "Holiday Season" (October-December) when most companies put freezes on hiring new people due to budget constraints and when all of the college kids are home working the seasonal jobs to get extra money. I also don't want to join a company at the end of the year and be the low person on the totem pole and be stuck working while everyone else is off on vacation and such for the holidays.
So-- it's something I'm considering.
I just wrapped up 2 weeks in my new position at my company. For those who don't know, about 1 1/2 years ago, I landed a job at my company as a procedure writer and I thought it was a dream come true because I've always wanted to be paid to write, but the honeymoon ended early and fast and I spent the past 9 months absolutely miserable in the job. I was grumpier than normal, sick all the time and did more crying than a person should over that job. Then, a little over a month ago, I interviewed for another position because the manager herself told me that she wanted me on her team and I already liked her from my experiences with her in the past. She offered me the job. I accepted. I can't tell you how much "better" I feel.
The job is busy and time flies. There's a lot to do. But, it is NOTHING like my last job and I'm very happy about that. My new boss has told me at least once a day how glad she is to have me on her team. She even bragged me up to her boss, who stopped me on Tuesday and told me that she has heard nothing but good things about me. The only time I talked to my former boss's boss was when I was leaving the team and she invited me to share my thoughts and comments about improving the team with her.
I was on my own after just 4 days of training and I've successfully completed more research routes in the week and a half I've been on my own than the "top performer" on the team. My audit score is 98% (I made a couple of mistakes my first few days but that was to be expected.) Of course, this pisses off the "top performer" because she liked being the top banana but I ignore her and her nasty negative comments. She called me a butt-kisser to my face and I just said, "If liking my boss and wanting to do well for her makes me a butt kisser, then I'm guilty." She told the manager and the manager told her to go sit down and leave things alone. (The manger actually apologized to me that this other person was trying to bring me down. My former manager would have found a way to make me feel badly about the interaction.)
I'm also liking that the job offers paid overtime. One of the things I hated most about my last job was that it was salaried and they expected you to be available to work around the clock and if you wanted to leave "on time", you weren't a team player. When I did the math, I realized that I was actually making less than most entry-level hourly employees because of the # of hours I put in without any kind of additional perks, recognition or reward. They acted like I should kiss their feet for the opportunity to work all the time for them.
Money talks. I have that "beach fund" and I have no problem working a couple of extra hours here and there if it means more money in my pocket. I know what my personal limit is and the department won't let you work past 6 p.m. anyhow because you're not allowed on the floor if there is no supervisor around and the supervisors all leave by 6ish.
In my last department, there was a night I remember being there ntil 9 p.m. and NO ONE was around. The call center was even empty by then.
Anyway - you all have been very supportive of me during the past few years and I know I didn't say "thank you" nearly enough. I've been in this incredibly depressing fog for the past 5 years or so and I've been downright mean to some of you because of "crap" that was going on inside of me and my normal tendency is to push people away when I'm having a crisis instead of pulling them close. I've been working to try to re-establish friendships I've let slip and I hope you'll accept my apologies for pushing you away if I did that to you and accept my gratitude for being there for me-- even if I acted like I didn't want you to be there.
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