@fkguy300 you want to answer an extreme with another extreme? congrats...you are on teh same level as the guy that wanted Carolyn fired.
now on to your thoughts about women in video games....true. Women are betrayed like that alot of times. Sure they have big boobs. What about the men in video games? Are they portrayed in teh best light? Their video game bodies proportionate?
See this is entertainment. I'm watching James Bond the other day...its a male fantasy movie. Hot exotic women just swooning for Bond's one liner to the point they are naked in his bed in a matter of hours.
I've never had a problem with Carolyn's reviews till now.
My problem with Carolyn's opinion was that it didn't belong in the review...and if you and her think it does belong...then why not include how it portrays men in general...or the racism...why was that left out....when i think about why it was left out...it leads my back to the reviewer having an agenda. Having an agenda in your review is unprofessional. I think it is odd out of all the reviews i've seen her do with games that do the same things (women characters being hollow with big boobs) she chooses to do it with this game...which leads me to believe she chose this game for her agenda because it will have the biggest audience.
The GTA series is a parody of the American Culture...she either missed teh point of the game or doesn't know American Culture....maybe i'm wrong...maybe GTA isn't a parody of american culture and she totally nailed them to the wall.
@ggregd @bottaboomstick the score isn't the issue with me. i never mentioned the score. i even said she didn't deserve to be attacked personally...only her review should be attacked.
@Coren_Larken well GS community has been the same....its just that a GS member isn't usually the target. Want slam an Xbox employee...it is all fun and games...slam a GS employee...well then here comes a threat to end the show.
sure you are going to defend her. especially after some of those comments.
but i agree that her review was terrible....ok she can have her own personal opinions...but she is a professional reviewer....professionals shouldn't shoe horn their personal agendas....i say agenda because she focused on what affected her....she didn't even mention the racism....only the sexism towards women...not even the sexism aimed at the men. She only cared how it made women look...didn't even consider how it made men look.
Did she deserve to be attacked personally..no she didn't....but did she deserve to have her review attacked...yes. She seemed to have missed the point of GTA....a satire of American culture....they nailed it....and she failed to see it.
bottaboomstick's comments