@Shango4 i read the whole thing. Maybe ME3 is easier to swallow when you play the trilogy one after another...like i did...vs playing the trilogy as each game comes out. Your opinions on ME3 have merit...but for me i was ready for the pace of ME3 after ME1 and ME2 back to back.
I do hope they improve ME4 massively. Ya know...the Rockstargames approach.
@G4m3r0uTL4wZ @Tiwill44 what is wrong with having both types? My most played games this gen was Warhawk and SOCOM Confrontation. But I also played every Uncharted game, Assassin's Creed, i'm working on Mass Effect...I love gaming options. True gamers play all games. i didn't even mention my beloved NHL MLB the Show and NBA2K sports games.
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