@currere: without dlc...we would have nothing to spend money on. a new sports car should cost more than an original.
if it's missions only for you...then yea it is grindy. but if you do a multitude of things Missions, Heists, Races, DMs etc then you earn money rather quickly without even trying.
@skyhighgam3r: they have matchmaking. you can make friends. you can go to reddit or official GTA forums for groups. or you can sit there upset waiting for rockstar to solve your problems. either way.
@Fantomass: Oh you didn't comprehend my statement? The case was metacritic's top five all time games were GTA IV twice, soulcaliber, tony hawk pro and zelda OiT and many fans of those games would argue that those are clearly not the top five all time games and many will say not only are they not top five...they are not even the best game in their own series.......my case is not about my taste. My case is not about those games being flawless. My case is that those who think metacritic is the be all end all reference point to determine if a game is great or not, is quite hilarious. It's like trusting a GS review score. But hey, it's just my opinion that Mafia games were poorly executed games when compared to their contemporaries. But it's your opinion that metacritic determines your opinion lmao.
@Fantomass: whats up with the score references? GTAIV is on the top five highest scoring games TWICE...1 spot for ps3 and 1 spot for xbox360 along with soulcaliber tonyhawk pro skater and zelda ocarnic in time. i rest my case.
I've always liked the idea of the Mafia games....it's just that they are poorly executed. I will be watching this title because I will not buy it sight unseen like I would for a Rockstar open world.
i'm down for the ability to play against other platforms. I imagine it will be much like rocket league where you can play against PC players and even play with PC players...but you will not be able to party up with PC players.
So if your buddy buys a game on Xbox and you get it on ps4....i don't see the players having the ability to party up together or be "cross platform friends"
bottaboomstick's comments