@makoreactors let's talk when it will come to buy ps4 or new xbox. For all you know it can be always on DRM on any game, or no 2nd hand copies of the game. Yet another Gold subscription to pay and adverts everywhere.
@Darnasian @jcnba28 it's very subjective in terms of loosing. Gamepad can give you a better experience or some extra content. I choose to buy it on WiiU if released. I don't think i will loose. If anything i will show support for this platform to devs. I Prefer that then backing any kickstarter like begging for money.
I will say F Yeah :). I will gladly pay normal price for this on Wii U. Why ? i did not played this on x360/PS3/PC and it should be the best version with extra content and bugfixes. Now let's see what they show if anything.
I think it's worth to support great games and devs.
@Imatyta if PS4 will be more powerful than next xbox, as it was in this gen; we will have cross platform games looking the same. It's more what developers will do while creating a game.
@Imatyta @mikepp83 @braqoon I fully understand this, yet .... Wii sold the most in the wii/x360/ps3 generation and it's still selling. I would not bury Nintendo just yet.
Why all so confident that x360 will be x86 arch ? what if MS will do always on-line ? will you still buy it ? to many factors to decide yet. PS4 showed that it has power .. and share (button). Let's wait for final product.
@Imatyta @mikepp83 @braqoon Ha ha :) well if you only looks for GFX in the game, then yes, PS2 for past good few years or GameCube. Still me owning x360, Wii and Wii U i can easily say that graphics are not so important if gameplay is there. Hard to explain WiiU appeal unless you try it, and that what Nintendo admitted already. Remember in Europe we got financial problems and many will choose old tech with all the games instead of new one with only few.
braqoon's comments