i like how they're showing there engine in a different context. not just a jungle setting. i was very impressed with the first CryEngine and was surprised no one ever license it for another game.
i like to think that instead of pushing Assassins Creed back they chose to spend more time on making it a better game. (or all the claims they made about it are a lot harder to realize then they thought, thus they need more time to pull it together) and they are throwing another GRAW (they way it should have been if they hadn't tried to rush it for the "launch window") at us to make some money until they can drop the bomb's that are Assassins Creed and BIA.
i would like to see a lot of old adventure games get current gen sequel or remakes. any "Quest" game by Sierra would be good, or the "So you wanna be a Hero" games. Loom? Willy Beamish? Legend of Kyrandia?
and some one already mentioned Blackthorne, along with that how bout another Out of this World, or Flashback (and not that crappy 3d one on the PS)
maybe a new type of Shadowgate game? and make a good 3d version this time not like that crap on the N64.
i think it's hard to compare these games. just because they both have an "open sandbox" doesn't make them the same game. if that was the case can i compare GTA/Crackdown to Oblivion?
the one thing i would give GTA over Crackdown (and this is all based on my previous GTA games and the Crackdown demo) is that GTA has SO much more to do. sure getting super powers is nice and all but it seems like your always under attack in Crackdown. sometimes in GTA i just liked to cruise around the game world, looking for hiden packages, jumps, or just a nice place to watch the sun set. Crackdown doesn't seem to offer as many little extra activities as GTA does.
but, Crackdown does have online co-op. this seems to work well with the games structure and i'm not sure how GTA would do this. hopefully they don't just make some generic online element like Saint's Row.
as fun as it was (for awhile) to unload clips of ammo into generic bad guys i wish they wouldn't have made it take so many bullets to down a guy. i mean head shots didn't even seem to do much more damage.
maybe let you bash a door open with a melee instead of wasting a shotgun blast?
co-op? online co-op? hell, some kind of online would be nice.
and maybe add more desctructable envi like in Red Faction (the original)
i plan on having GRAW2 be my next game purchase. i really liked the first one, cept for the online lobby/game finder, took too long sometimes. and unfourtunitly R6:Vegas's online seems broken to me. that and 99% of all the games r Calypso so the attacking team can try to get more points. hopefully GRAW2 will fullfill my desire for a good teambased shooter.
i only buy used games that are older. i dare anyone to go out and find a brand new never been opened MGS2. but for the most part i try to buy new games when i can. i mainly do this because i like to use the only vote i have in a capitolist society, my dollar. when i buy a game i'm saying "Yes! I Vote Capcom/Konami/Epic/ect". besides, if you buy a used game for like, $10-15 dolars cheaper when they have a new one for sale your not supporting the company and the many hard working men and women then made the game.
to the people that don't like the MGS games i would recomend you give MGS3:Snake Eater a try. imo that was much better then MGS2 (while fun, it was pretty much just a highly produced MGS with a twist)
but on the subject of Kojima making a 360 game, i would rather see something new from him. not that i would not like to play MGS4 on my 360 (the more people that get to play a game the better imo) but i would rather a new IP be introduced.
oh well, sounds like this is all just rumor and speculation at the moment.
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