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#1 brumley53
Member since 2007 • 287 Posts

The helghast are definetely better i mean come on they're friggin super nazis the locust look like giant friggin lizards and everyone know Nazis are cooler than lizards so then Super nazis are greater than super lizards

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#2 brumley53
Member since 2007 • 287 Posts

Why does everyone say that the lighting in this game is great, i mean you can clearly see in that first screen that its cloudy, yet the lighting is shining off every god damn object in the game which wouldnt be possible unless there was no clouds. still the game looks pretty good I would say or third or fourth in console graphics.

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#3 brumley53
Member since 2007 • 287 Posts

I take anything Kojima says with a grain of salt.

He said MGS 4 would the last in the series... lol, sure buddy :roll:


Canonically it is last, also FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, i want him to make a new game thats not metal gear FFS

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#4 brumley53
Member since 2007 • 287 Posts

Yes.... he hasn't done anything that is good imo. MGS is ridiculous, self indulgent, crap. Characters & Story are contrived and lame.

I heard there is a part in the game, during a supposed serious part of the game, where some guy loses control of his bowels.... WOW... Is he an 8 year old, and to him poop jokes are still funny?


So your saying kojima is crap when you have never played a game made by him?

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#5 brumley53
Member since 2007 • 287 Posts

I'm being serious. Please read the whole message before posting. (It only takes 30 seconds) Kojima is a great director, but I feel as if he is way over his head. He is hyping MGS series (and im not bashing MGS, I love the series) as if it is the **** Its a great game with innovation (this is true. Debate all you want about it but this is not the subject at hand, trolls). But MGS is over the top ridiculous. MGS 1 is great. MGS 3 is amazing. But MGS 4 is good but way over the top ridiculous (and I dont mean that in a good way. Wanted or Transporter is over the top ridiculous and thats in a good way). MGS 4 is a great game and Kojima is acting like its the mother of all games. And now he's hyping peace walker as if its going to blow some space contium vortex in the gaming industry. MGS needs a reboot or probably a better story direction. I understand the symbolism, but its way too much. Its almost a headache just to understand it. I mean, afterall, Kojima released a MGS Wiki for MGS 4. MGS diehard fans are in so much denial if they say that they understand the story without complications. Because there are ALOT of WTF moments. (And I mean that in a bad way, not some God of War 3 kinda way).

Long story short, Kojima is over rated. He's milking out the MGS series as if it's some Bible that everyone must obey. He even made some pansy ass pop music video to promote Peace Walker. I'm sure its all because he has some strange fetish for young pop stars and probably just wants to profess that though his passion. But cmon, thats just down right embarassing. I'm sure no one found it "cute" or "funny" I can even bet my life that everyone honestly thought it was gay Seriously, what has this world come to? Peace Walker will be great, and Im sure the new MGS game for the 360/PS3 will be good too. But believe me, youll be seriously shaking your head left and right 90% of the time and then will read wikipedia to understand what kind of radical metaphorical sh*t Kojima just spewed out of his mouth. The guy is over rated.


Kojima isn't overrated but MGS is, seriously if you play snatcher or policenauts the story is amazingly well told and it really annoys me that he's still making MGS because its finished, he doesnt need to add more to the story but he keeps adding crap in anyway.

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#6 brumley53
Member since 2007 • 287 Posts

The poll supposes to say "an", not "and". :(

I've noticed alot of people claiming the Half Life series to be overrated, boring, generic... And I've come to the conclusion that these said must have completely missed the compelling Orwellian story that Valve created. The Half Life series require your attention. They're also multilayered, and have incredible replay value. You start to see things that you may have missed. This is where the band Tool comes in. Alot of people I know find the band Tool to be boring, tedious, slow paced, generic, ect, but the same rules apply. Listening to Tool without understanding the meaning of the songs is only half of the experience. Am I digging too deep, or should I accept the fact that some people just don't find Half Lifes story interesting?


Your right about halflife, not about Tool they're a bunch of arrogant wankers.

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#7 brumley53
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The servers are fine, it was a small problem that was fixed quickly.


um, the free psn network (which is free) went down for 24 hours not days and only for the old phat ps3's (that use the free psn network) the newer ps3 slims were able to log into the free psn with no problems, and after 24 hours the free service was back up. Oh did I mention that the psn is free?

Too bad its a bare bones service and that you need to constantly update it. Also the PS3 gives near dial-up speed downloading speed limits,

The last time i updated was a couple of days ago and it took about 2 minutes and the update before that was at least 3 months ago, also i wouldn't use most of the stuff xbox live has i only play online and my main problem is i cant play online without paying.

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#8 brumley53
Member since 2007 • 287 Posts

1. It took me 28 hours to finish the game, by modern standards thats a pretty long game.

2. Mass effect 2 is a shooter with RPG elements not the other way round so of course its not going to have tonnes of powers.

3. It sounds like you didnt play much of the game considering you mentioned the first two sidemissions in the game.

4. If you did play more of the game then you didnt do any of the missions for your team, because they're about as long as fallouts side missions and also provide back story to the characters.

also MGS4 GTA 4 and MW2 are waaaaaaaay more overhyped than Mass effect 2.

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#9 brumley53
Member since 2007 • 287 Posts

Im planning on getting a 360 soon because its finally getting some good games.

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#10 brumley53
Member since 2007 • 287 Posts

Fallout new vegas is visually pretty much the same using the same engine, but its a good things they are spending less time on the shininess of the game and more time developing the story line and new gameplay features like customizable guns and a system to control your companions so they dont do stupid crap like in fallout 3.