@asclepiusx "Terrible graphics" You and everyone who says that about Gone Home's visuals need to get their eyes checked, IMHO, or simply don't know what that means. Did PS1 games have HD textures and images in every room?
@jayjay444 The last Call of Duty to get a score of 9.0 on Gamespot was Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, back in 2007, if I'm not wrong, the other ones after that have only been scored 8.5, with the last year's release CoD: Black Ops II having been given a score of 8.0! Just sayin'... Peace!
@PupilsDilated CoD games are like sports games. People buy them for the competitive and cooperative multi-player, not for the single-player campaign, while it's the opposite in the case of Batman Arkham games. I don't get why people are comparing those two drastically different games.
bruno_fmenedes' comments