Nice try, but you guys should have known it would eventually come down to this. After two of my most beloved games fan remakes have suffered the same fate (Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil 2), i can't say i feel bad for this one now.
Back in the days i bought it for my Xbox 360, then for my PS3, after had sold Xbox, and now i'm gonna get it for my PC or PS4, idk. Its a must have game in anyone's library :)
Such a fertile ground there is for remastering/porting old Metal Gear Solid games (1,2,3 and 4) into the new generation. Wish Kojima was still up to it and Konami wasn't such a dÃck.
@hyperterric2004: Same here. I thought the idea of Watch Dogs is great and gets together many of the issues we have today in modern society. It's too bad though that the game didn't reflect everything that was shown in E3 that year. But it was an OK game, and it's a franchise with a lot of potential, if done right. I'm definetely looking forward to this new entry but still i'm very cautious about it.
On the other hand, Far Cry 3 and 4 were great games. I've had tons of fun with both. But due to work i still couldn't enjoy Far Cry Primal and The Division, as well, which i'm really looking forward to do it soon.
Next COD? For sure not an "advanced" or "infinite" or even an "intergalactic" warfare or something. That formula got old quickly enough. Only Infinity Ward haven't noticed it yet.
I'm glad it's not futuristic stuff and world war 1 theme is pretty interesting. It's actually quite the opposite of advanced warfare stuff we've been fed on for months now. I like it also that they are apparently putting some more effort into campaign mode. I know Battlefield's games are basically all about multiplayer but a game with a good story its kinda rare these days. I'm excited for it.
brunod_f's comments