I don't usually sell back my games, but i admit there's a few i kinda regret purchasing it. But selling it back for only 10% of its price? Nah... i think it's better for you to sell digital copies of games for the price of DIGITAL copies, not PHYSICAL copies of them.
I got to play Resident Evil 2 first back then, but i remember when i got to this classic first one i felt that that really was something unique. Back in the early Playstation 1 days everything was so new and exciting though, it was awesome. Oh and on a side note i'm looking forward to the Resident Evil 2 remake. I think its about time we have some news on this project already.
I'm glad they dedicated this game 100% to story mode. I'm more of a single player gamer and its good to know we're gonna have some quality in this aspect, especially in times like these where multiplayer mode is almost a must for a game to feature.
@jonnyhollywood: Me too, resolution was never such a big thing to consider. But fps, on the other hand, can definitely enhance the experience of a game. You mean you got a copy for PC as well, when you pre-ordered it for X1? If it works the other way around i'm not sure, since this game is not even listed yet in the PC W10 store. I'm checking daily for it (it might be only in my country, though).
I've skipped Rise of the Tomb Raider and FarCry Primal for saving money for this one and the game still looks great even though 720p/30fps. But i'm going for the PC version of it though.
@lrdfancypants: Eddie is always editing things to fit his own interests: to ignite console wars ( = more clicks). Sadly this is something we do see people do everyday, in politics mostly.
brunod_f's comments