@lorddaggeroff: What you want is to Nintendo build a powerful console and fail like Sega did with the Dreamcast. They did learn from the past and that's why they aren't touching a home console ever again. The industry has changed and they can't compete with the big guns now, so they focused on what they are (surprisingly to me) successful: mobile.
How can you say they want you to believe in hardware development? They are trying to sell their age old franchises DESPITE the crappy hardware.
@ahpuck: I don't see PC gamers hating on other platforms nearly as much as console gamers. In fact I'm a PC gamer and just came here to check out how nice this game looks even though I don't think it's going to be as popular as it deserves to be.
Each platform has it's audience, proof of that is Xbox exclusives that are being released on PC like Gears of War are not selling well so, to each their own.
brunorr's comments