@Samparksh It was an example, I wasn't saying RAM is all you need. And you just reinforced my point: hardware is not what this is all about. Heck, just look at Radeon and Nvidia. There are Radeon models that have more memory, more processors, more everything and Nvidia models still have a better performance. i.e X720 and PS4 might run awesome games with awesome visuals just with those specs. That's what I think.
@gufberg Well, to that I can relate. But still, I'm not sure if the toll will be so high. Like I said below, when the X360 and PS3 came out, comparing to PCs back then, their specs weren't amazing, by the contrary. I believe that even more dooming than consoles with outdated specs are game genres like MMOs, which make huge revenues by having thousands of players but having to have really bad visuals to support it all. Just take a look at WoW. The graphics are outdated as hell and Blizzard spent years not doing anything new (expect SC2) because they were "in the moneys".
@Samparksh Of course I did, but remember the hardware specs of the X360 and PS3? What was it? 256mb of RAM? Back then PCs had like, 4GB and still the visuals were excellent. That's what I'm trying to say. There was a huge leap from those specs to the ones in the new gen. Like I said, PCs will look better, but they wouldn't build a new generation of consoles that wouldn't surprise the public.
And don't forget: one of the reasons you buy a console in the first place is to avoid having games your "machine" can't run. Like I said, games on console are made for consoles. They may not have the nicest visuals, but they should run just fine. I had a X360 for that reason. Gaming in my living room with no stress whatsoever if new games would "run" on it.
FFS. I thought readers here would know something about gaming hardware. A console doesn't need to have a mega-power-ultra GPU or 32 CPU cores to run things on a high setting. And you know why? Because when consoles are the subject, games are made for them, not otherwise. When that guy first went on to create Crysis (the first one) he wanted to create a game that would push the boundaries of PC hardware. Games that are created especifically for these consoles will be beautiful just as the first ones that came to X360 and PS3 were. And don't forget that it's all about casual gaming and being in a freakin' living room. PC will ALWAYS look better but that doesn't mean that consoles will provide crappy graphics. Again, FFS.
It's funny. If games entice people to go up to a school and shoot everyone with a submachinegun, why don't we see people using armor and hacking students apart with swords and battle axes? Yeah, they should ban guns. If people start using swords, then the games are to blame. Until then, to ban guns is just a placebo. It won't solve the problem. Depression is a real issue and money should be spent treating people with it not trying to find out if games have something to do with it or not.
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