@lostn: Or play online with friends for a day. I never looked at PS+ being for the games, rather I saw it as paying for the online and the games as a bonus.
Just a hunch, but I think a lot of people are missing something. What about people that don't buy a year in advance? If it renewed automatically, you may not get to use that day, but with a code to be used at your leisure, you can wait to use it till you're ready to. EDIT- Also those that don't use subscription auto renewal.
@deathblow3: You are correct in that the system by itself would not be able to handle it, however that is where the additional processing box comes into play. Will it work out in the end? Time will tell. As to demos, I was referring to your comment about the move controllers and seeing them used in the hardware demos.
@angelofbeast198 Well, your TV doesn't just become useless. That's just being a bit short sighted IMHO. There will still be games to be played on a nice big TV, but the point of VR is the immersion in a virtual world. VR won't be for everyone. Heck, it may even wind up not being for me, but I'm excited to give it a go. Not sure why, but I couldn't post this as a direct reply.
BryanWeary's comments