@bonesinc: Yeah that's why PS4 has sold over 70 million, and the Nintendo Switch is doing better than any of them. Because they have NO exclusives (sarcasm). Why don't you list the GREAT 3rd party games that have come out lately. I'd like to see the big list. And no don't say Monster Hunter Worlds. ;o)
Really? Why not just enhance the whole 360 library for crying out loud. This is why they fail, people don't want THIS, they want new fresh, awesome IP's!! EXCLUSIVE to XB1 ONLY!! Can i get an Amen?
That's all MS do, BC 360 games....with nothing new on the horizon. Wow what a sales pitch, pay us 500$, and you can play the same old games you've been playing for over 10 years.!!
@sakaixx: Because it's an overpriced piece of garbage (with power) and no games. Period. And that's putting it nicely. They can discount it all they want, but with no original games to play on it, and mainly 360 bc games. Pfft, no fing way. Stick with PS4. The X doesn't look much better than the full 1080p games on the PS4 anyway. Barely.
@xcael: Go watch the old videos leading up to launch. Also E3, and the commercials, you must not have watched. Where do you think the QUOTE came from. MS's own mouth. ;o)
Because unlike todays promised uncompromised 60fps from the X. Vanquish runs at a rock solid 60fps on 360!! And that's what I've played it on. So here again we have people buying a 500$ (well not EVERYONE) machine to play old 360 titles on. Money well spent, yeah? Uggh.
Bubba_666's comments