@davillain-: That's how MS TRY to get people to buy the XB1, been that way since they realized it flopped back in 2013. And why Sony don't need gimmicks.
@spartanx169x: Yeah if you get one at Gamestop and don't like it, you can only exchange it for another. Or trade it in for barely half of what you paid. They do NOT give money back on new opened items. Go to target, wal-mart, best buy etc. At least they give refunds. :)
@walbo: Seriously 4 teraflops vs 6, not a night and day difference. And it's two PS4 GPU's put together, that's pretty dam$ good if you ask me. Just no super sampling or 16x antiostropic filtering on all games like XB1X...but that's just so un-enhanced games can catch up to PS4 games that were already running at a higher resolution. So that's all MS are concerned about. Being like Sony. Which will never happen, especially with GAMES!!
@newbpwnr: As a former PC gamer myself I can say there is somewhat of a resurgence it. But overall millions and millions more prefer and game on Console. Including myself now, especially since consoles are/will be so close to PC specs. It's just WAY to tedious, with to many issues. Although I'm glad to see people taking an interest in it again. It was SO dying the last 10 years or so.
@Lord_Sesshy: nah it's already been proven that PS4 has the biggest and best exclusives ever made. That could also be said about the PS3 in fact. Also Destiny and those other games were all third party.
Just got done with it, good stuff great graphics, why even bother with an Xbox One version? It won't play or look anything like PS4...unless you wanna pay 500$ for an X. And even then who knows. Should be Sony Exclusive. :)
Bubba_666's comments