@7tizz: Yeah the reason UC4 and Horizon Zero Dawn were the best selling games this gen. Don't wave your arms around when you're hanging by your finger nails man. Also when God Of War hits this summer, PS4 will surpass 70 million sales. :) Then Spiderman, Day's Gone etc.
@jack2059: Amen and most don't look very different, if they do it's the MS games. I made a few comparisons with my old FAT Xbox. That's why I took the X back. lol
These aren't exclusives, wow Gamespot get your head out of your arse lol. Day's Gone, God Of War, Detroit Become Human, Spiderman, Last Of Us 2, Death Stranding, etc. are exclusives. It means only coming to THAT platform, and that platform only. My XB1 is still collecting dust, well, honestly I only use it for movies/music etc.
@sealionact: I get on here to make comments, and venture opinions that aren't lies. You seem to live in a fairy tale world where the air never moves and everyone is running around singing the hills are alive with the sound of music bub. I've had several Xbox Ones for different reasons. And 3 x's that had issues, that I also didn't see a significant difference in when they DID work. Yeah I get on here just to lie and make an a$$ of myself in front of everyone, you're right. You don't know me from Adam, so keep it that way and you'll be safe. Also, followers? Really. LOL. Why would I want people following me on here, especially jamokes like you.
@michellebennet: Don't even try to Justify Xbox having anything CLOSE to what PS4 has. LOL Their exclusives are legendary. MS will never have the creativity and ambition of Sony's developers.
Bubba_666's comments