@analgrin: You get a launch model console and a crap game, both are broken, or can be. They are packaging up OLD consoles that never sold and putting a low price on them. How's that for a rip off.
Want to know the catch? Look at the Manufacture date on the back of the console, it's Oct 2017, which means you're getting the old (prone to problems) version of the console. And a crappy broken game. That's why it's the ONLY one for 399$ and the rest are 499$.
@pcgamer2019: Wow I'm a 43 year old man getting attacked by little kids with hard ons. And btw genius go back to school and learn how to criticize someone properly son. I'm a PHEASANT huh? Last time i checked I didn't have feathers or wings. That's a bird you stupid derelict m$#therf#^king retard. lol God get a life folks, you don't know me and you don't WANT to know me. Cheers.
@Pyrosa: Fact of the matter is this just shouldn't happen to a huge BILLION dollar company at all. I've NEVER had any problems with PS4, glitches, freezing, restarts, NOTHING. Yes they got hacked once, but then it was taken care of, and they gave away from things for the people problems. Sony has been around nearly 80 years. MS just over 40. So I think i'll stick with the one with the more seniority. :) Sorry but I'm fed up with MS.
Yeah got an X yesterday, and it was being quirky. Then this morning black screen on mine, and my girl friends original XB1. I think it's time just to cut my losses and get a Ps4/or even Pro. At least their UI doesn't just DISAPPEAR!! Good god, good luck, I'm done with Xbox...except my good ole 360. lol
Nothing that hasn't been played 100 times already. My X is collecting dust, been on God Of War, AC Odyssey, and Spiderman. May be time for the X to go bye bye, just nothing exciting on the way that's not on PS4 already. ;o(
Bubba_666's comments