@polishkid99: LOL yeah I know seems like everyone is like OMG look at that wall, or the trees, and check out those floor reflections ha. Yeah that really makes or breaks any game lol. (sarcasm). 2013 is still great for 360, and even better on Ps4. Hence I figured it'd be great on 360 also. I'll check out the foliage next time I play the old one on Ps4...ha Good point. :)
Check out the 360 version it' just as good, the graphics are amazing, just a little less than on here. The 360 really got a good port this time. Look on youtube for the full game. I'm getting it instead, not buying an Xbox One for slightly better graphics, at 400$, that's ridiculous since I can just get the game for 50$, and have the same experience. I don't care about a little graphical fidelity difference. Not worth it imo. I don't like anything else on Xbox One anyway.
@StonerDemon: Yeah I miss that, Most Wanted, Motorstorms, Burnout Paradise etc. I'll be watching Lara Crofts arse for the next 2 months or so. lol And yes even the old 360 Wolfenstein is great.Along with the new ones.kudos!!
I've never heard of this reviewer, but he sounds like one of the corny cast members of the game itself. Everyone else (including) me all talk about how exceedingly bad this game is, and this gonad gives it an 8!! Btw does anybody forget games like Motorstorm, and Burnout (Paradise) with brilliant psychics and realistic wrecks. Where is that here, or why isn't it? This is suppose to be next GEN. No one wants to hit a Van or building and just go...bump, oops.lol. Lets see your car blow up or just crumble into pieces!!! Now that would be diversity. Enough said.
This has to be one of if not the worst trailer I've ever seen. The music does not fit, and it's movie like presence just does not cut it. Also I thought the graphics would be a lot better. I'll get it for Xbox 360 and be just fine. When it comes to PS4 next year, perhaps. Not worth buying one mediocre console for. I'll pay 50$ for slightly lesser graphics. Just wait and see, even the developer said the difference would only be graphical fidelity.
Bubba_666's comments