@fisherking: Blah, blah, blah... your stupidest statement that proves you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near video games: "but heaven forbid developers try to make games more accessible to try to bring in new players and sell more copies." At the cost of alienating the people who actually like the series. BTW, the problem with a game like Fallout was never the gameplay, it was the graphics. The type of audience publishers try to reach when they try to broaden their fanbase are usually the graphics whores who gave The Witcher 3 such high ratings, people like that. Instead of making the game more "accessible", they should've just gave the game really pretty graphics and kept the core gameplay, players wouldn't have known the difference, they would've been happy to play a game at 1080p, which is why they bought their consoles in the first place.
@maneljoao: The microscopic text didn't bother you? The bugs, one second your armed, the next unarmed during combat for no reason. Mounting your horse is complicated because of the tendency to overthrow the analog stick. Those were just the technical aspects of the game I didn't like, I guess they didn't seem to bother you.
@Blazen702: I'm a Sony pony, because I'm defending an XB1 exclusive? Dude, you don't need to delete your account, you need to disconnect your internet.
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