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bulletproofcow Blog

Wow, Friday is gonna be INSANE!

1. No school

2. St. Patty's day

3. Friend's mom died 10 years ago

4. Birthday Party

So yeah, I'm wearing green and black and going to a party. And the friend is gonna be there. I have to make sure I don't wear my "I'm not dead yet shirt" or else I will be killed. And have to find some green. Maybe my hair...

Going to New York

Yeah, so I'm going to New York to see Spamalot Friday with no internet. Saturday I get back, have a few hours, and go to a party. Then a friend is coming over Sunday. Thats right...I have a social life!

Sorry I haven't been on as much. My social life and Stick Arena have been taking up alot of time. And who would have thought, playing Stick Arena has made me spend more time with my friends. Thanks Sunny!

Gaming has been Lumines and Wipeout lately. I haven't found a PS2 or Xbox game worth my money yet. Daxter looks good so far. Its scary, a flash game is being played more than a console game. And yet, still hackers.


Hey hey hey

Sup peeps? I'm just bored and thought I should post my blog topic. Anyway, its been pretty slow lately. You *******s made me come here even though I was on vacation. See, this place is like crack. I'm thinking about upgrading my video card so I can play WoW, but I want a cheap one so its gonna take alot of looking around. Unions, um whats to say. Some I've been active, some I haven't. Oh well.

Hey everyone

Seeing for my love of GS, I thought I would check this place out. Seems ok. Might be here more often, might not. Lets see.

Vacation on Thursday and more

Hey, for those of you who read and comment in my blog, thank you.

Anyway, I have Thursday through Monday off this week and I'm going on vacation. I've been needing a break from GS to return to real life, so I'll check in maybe. So hold down the fort guys.

I'm coming really close to 5000 posts and level 14.

I wrote my song for the contest. Here's the linkage:

Omni is back!

Yes, thats right. Omni Slash is back on GS. My day has improve so much. When he left, I was really sad. But now, he is back!

I reached Toobin' as you can see, and am coming up on 5000 posts. I am doing well in school, am finally better from being sick, and I'm soon to be the XWE Ironman champ! I'm coming for you Big Bo!

So much stuff to say.

1.Level 12 Rad Racer. I hate that name.

2. 4000 posts. Teh w00tage!

3. New emblem! I rocked the vote.

4. Its been a week, and I'm still sick.

5. I got sick durring make up midterms.

6. Rey Rey won the Royal Rumble.

Thats my life in a nut shell.

Midterms this week

Yup midterms this week. They will last until Friday. So you'll be seeing less of me. Reached level 11, atomic punk. Only one level away from the evil Rad Racer. Coming up on 4,000 posts. The only day you'll see me probably is Tuesday night, because the only midterm Wednesday is band, so no studying. Peace.

Best new things found on the web-January Edition

Thats right. I'm starting this up. I will include 2 things on the internet that I love this month.

This first one is a child whom ,sadly, desides to show how much he loves pokemon. I watch this every day and laugh so hard.

The second this is about ninjas, the greatest killers ever. And yes, you don't have to eat, thats called Nicole Richie. Or Africa. To here witty things like this and to find out stuff about ninjas, ask a ninja is the place.

Check these out if you want a laugh.

I have to do these more often.

Jeez, emblems are fixed for the most part which is very cool. I should have a PS2 aficionado, convivial, Top 100 reviewers, Good Taste and Best of 2005 voting emblem. And of course the basic emblem. Pics are down, so thats not fun. I got socom and have been playing that and Lumines on my PSP. Socom made a good transition to PSP.