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bulletproofcow Blog

Next Gen is coming.

As I said in the topic, The next generation of gaming is coming. The 360 has come, with the Revolution and PS3 coming soon. This means improved graphics and hopefully better games. The cost of games has increased greatly. This will make it harder for small companies to make games, thus killing most originality. It will mean big companies will make even more of the percent of games they currently do, not wanting to risk anything by doing something original.

But, the cost will hopefully mean companies will take more time to polish their games, instead of rushing them. But to get more on topic, all of the next generation systems have different features to appeal to gamers. The 360 has amazing online play, the Revolution has most of Nintendo's classic games available for download, and PS3 has amazing graphics and looks like it will have some very good games as well. With all this, does this mean PC gaming will die?

I don't think it will, as most gamers are console and PC gamers. PC was the reason we have games. Everyone has played some sort of game on PC, whether it is flash games, games like Hearts, or of course as we know them games like F.E.A.R. and World of Warcraft. But PC gaming will take a hit, due to some of their big hitters going over to consoles as well. Unreal Tournament 2007 will be on PS3 and perhaps even the 360.

Cost of games to be made effect the cost of games. Most of the 360's games cost $60, making it harder to afford multiple games at once. Younger gamers will learn the meaning of saving money do to this. Next gen will be a good lesson to all.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Yeah, so its 9:40ish and i'm just getting to say this. Merry Christmas! I voted in the reader's choice and got a shiny new emblem. Heres what i got for Christmas :

1. $240

2. Lumines

3. Charger case for my PSP

4. Final Fantasy X

5. PDA

Yeah, all the money is because I'm saving up for a guitar and PS3. Which should i get first?

New banner and got an Xbox!

My uncle gave me his Xbox, saying that he didn't want it any more. This happened last week, but I haven't posted an update lately. He had been loaning it to me for about 3 months. Now i have to fight with my brother more, because he gave us Splinter Cell and my bro loves it. I just want to play Fable, which i have been playing a lot lately. Also, I got a banner from ruff_edgz. I think he did a nice job.

Holy Sh!t

I skipped a level. I went from level 5 to level 7! This is awsome. I got premoted in the Jak and Daxter Union. I joined some unions and have been playing alot of Fable:TLC. I'm thinking about not joining anymore unions, as i am running out of room. sora_heart is finally back and he promoted me in the Kingdom of Hearts union. JOIN IT!

2 seperate topics.

how do u charge ur psp?? i have no idea and i need to know!!!! plz answer! dogberty

^Thats one.^

Other one my 4th promotion. Chillin' Lounge mod! Woot! And a sad note. My friend's grandmother died. :cry:. Its been hard for him.

Since my last entry...

I became a mod in the Chain of Gold Union, became the leader of the Sony Everything Union, and got to 1800 posts. Been busy lately, almost no gaming. But i'm scraping by. Had a big project do and did it. Had to make a set design for Romeo and Juliet out of legos, but had fun.

1300 Posts!

Yup, made it that far in like a week. I'm moving faster. Played some GTA and Guitar Hero and had fun. I hit level 3 but pics in sigs don't work so i'm sad.

800 posts!!!!

Again used for the everything sony union. i keep doing this because they were like my first union. Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts union members u get the 900th. But they get the 1000th. Anyway Ratchet Deadlocked was a dissapointment. I beat all 5 chalenge levels in 20 hours and wasn't trying to. So i have to play so Re4.

Woot i'm an officer!!!

of the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts union. also i must admit i was wrong about Ratchet: Deadlocked. Still fun as hell. More addictive the previous games too. Might be on later tonight. next week is thanksgiving and tommoroe i shall tell u the real meaning of thanksgiving, told to me by my history teacher. report cards are coming out soon and i know my grades. all A's except for in honor classes (2) which i got B's, but those equal A's so back on the high honor role. GTA and Hot Shots Golf mostly, with some Halo 2 and Kingdom Hearts for good measure.

RIP Eddie

Kinda old news but R.I.P. Latino Heat

I Lie, I cheat, I steal

yea so i've been playing alot of Hot Shots for PSP. My bro got it and it is fun. Today feels really weird. No practice tonight or the rest of the year. Also been playing Oddworld. Watched LoTR last night. Gandalf!!!!!!!