if they were both in the same genere, ofcourse it would. the point of this thread is comparing apples to oranges again.. You want a real comparison, let's talk about 'orange box'... oh, nevermind then..
it's funny how something assumingly feels outdated can produce the same graphical quality (if not better) than something that's s'pose to be futiure-proof..
i don't think any company is better at keeping secrets than nintendo. so, this arguenment is definitely unwarranted. madhouse and the conduit has alot of potential but regardless of whether or not it carbon copies the FPS point and click style or introduces new elements in gameplay, it's a statement Nintendo needs to make with the wii. it aint just for kids and gramps..
whether or not ff13 beats any 360 rpg, i'm not holding my breathe. FF13 has big shoes to fill as it is if you take a look what we've already seen in the series. glorified pics doesn't prove anything. It's great seeing the 360 get the jrpg treatment, especially from square-enix. This is just the shot in the arm it needs.
it's great that it is but if i remember correctly, their number one game happens to be the 360 ver. of GTA4?? it's hard to take anything they say seriously but the PS3 is winning.
i'm waiting until after the e3 to determine whether or not we'll see anything AAA coming from Nintendo this year.. There's no one better at keeping secrets than them. The conduit shows lots or promise but it's nothing we haven't seen before.
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