bulletwitch1's forum posts
I honestly wouldn't be surprised seeing another type of MGS on 360, seeing how substance came out for the XBOX but regarding this MGS, I truely don't think so. Lemmings would surely eat it up.
this list is laughable at best, especially seeing the ps2 nowhere in the top 3. They did gain some credibility seeing that the defunct virtual-boy is no where to be seen but this is still nothing more than a joke. To MS credit, my 360 has seen some pretty rough nights and the only RROD i've seen was when my intercooler fan died. Been running like a champ ever since.
avatars does look rather lackluster but still, there really isn't much to go by with only a screen-shot or mock-up so I'll wait until after the e3 to flame 'em. Instead of building something like this, why can't they just implement one that's already had a great deal of success in this? Something like IMVU, facebook or even second life? There's are already a huge user-base in all of these. it will open the client up to the XBL community as well as allow existing members to upload their profiles onto their 360's. Patching the dash-board so that users could use a wireless keyboard and mouse would also be great but.... it's all up to them,
what is 'fun' for some isn't 'fun' for everyone else. we all have an opinion of what that fun is, be it playing mariokart wii or playing classic mariokart in super NES. if a game introduces a new design-scheme in terms of playability that's never been seen before ala supermario64, it would be foolish for reviewers to not give it atleast an 8.0. again, reviews are only opinions and nothing more. sadly, on account of bad reviews, some development companies have lost alot of money.
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