Pot calling kettle black. This time last year 3DS had barely any games worth owning too. I should know. I bought one! In time it will get a sizable library of games. It's already got some good games on it and more to come.
So you can't thumb down comments any more? Does that mean I can say I like Call of Duty without the comment getting hidden away for having too many thumbs downs for having the wrong opinion now?
I hate COD and have no interest in the new game but I care enough to click on and post on every COD related article. It's not enough I hate COD. People have to know I hate COD! I'm so cool.
I just checked the trailer. Looks like Gamespot actually was right when they said coins. I spotted coins with stars on them on the track. Kinda weird they didn't just use the rings from the Sonic series for that, but whatever.
WOW. They've really gone all out with this one. Sounds fantastic. Loved the first one and I'm really looking forward to this, especially considering this totally sounds like it's doing a lot of different things. Oh and Gamespot, can I assume by "coins" you mean rings?
burgeg's comments