@TC2012: Are you joking? Gaming is as popular as it has ever been. Might as well throw away your original Xbox One it's a piece of junk according to most YouTube reviewers. LOL
Future proof except one problem. Microsoft has shot themselves in the foot becoming their own worst enemy by announcing all Xbox One games are also playable on a powerful enough Windows PC which I already own.
I would have probably loved this game instead of the one I tried playing through on the n64 many years ago. The game feels like a chore after a while just to be able to continue the story. Being an adult in my 30s I would rather just sit back and watch an episode of South Park instead. I am sure the younger generation will have mindless fun with the game but it's just not for me.
@nyran125tk: I don't understand how hard it could be to adapt the gameplay formula from WWF No Mercy and Def Jam Vendetta and replace it with the awful gameplay mechanics that have been used the past 5+ years. AKI laid the ground work years ago all the developers need to do is study the work and possibly try to seek their help if the original AKI developers are still around today. The presentation of the game, graphics, art style of arenas, etc. are great but the gameplay and announcing need to be redone from the ground up.
Thank you for burying this game. It seems that all the reviewers on YouTube are praising the game and no one is telling the factual truth. I don't find it fun that the AI reverses every other move I do and is quite obvious when it happens because of the announcers reactions. The mini games included for submissions are too trivial and tedious than fun. Even kicking out of a pinfall is a chore. Going crazy with the controller to kickout of pinfalls was kind of made the game more fun and interacting instead of having to time a kickout like I'm playing a golf game.
Sounds like the typical Call of Duty campaign length. I know there are Call of Duty bashers but this one is shaping up to be the best in the series. Tonight cannot come fast enough. By the way Nintendo Switch game console owners sorry but you'll have to sit this one out unless you buy a PC capable of playing the game, an Xbox One, or PS4. You should be used to hearing that by now since the Gamecube was released.
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