@zero_juice: Um the console is supposed to be a portable video game system meaning ALL games should be portable! That would be like saying the 3DS is a portable game console but from now on the games being released will have huge updates making it not portable. What kind of nonsense are you spewing?
32gb yea sure people keep thinking Nintendo is a major threat to Sony and Microsoft when they keep making the same mistakes. Nintendo is too cheap to invest expecting the consumer to upgrade in the upcoming months. Enjoy the minor success while it lasts Nintendo. Next year people will be once again bored with Mario and Zelda and the Switch will be just like the Wii U without any 3rd party true nex gen games.
Family Guy Seasons 9-14 leaving? That's a big loss considering I don't know anyone who doesn't like Family Guy. Personally I prefer Hulu because of the older tv shows. I wish Amazon Video was even half as good as Netflix or Hulu because I have Prime all the way to the end of next year.
Several games were missing I expected to see. Gran Turismo 7, Sly Cooper, Red Dead Redemption 2, Little Big Planet, etc . I would have loved a few surprises such as Vagrant Story 2 from SquareEnix. I know there's enough people who want a sequel because when the game was released on PSN years ago it sold very well for months and probably still does. I don't know any gaming fan who hasn't played Vagrant Story and is definitely a top 10 RPG game is anyone's book. Also could we get a new Theme Park Roller Coaster remastered from the Playstation 2 or better yet a game using the same engine but with a much needed upgrade of everything redone from scratch?
@iandizion713: Well I sure do not feel wrecked after reading your enticing words of defense with a thought out analysis. I would go more along the lines to assume you bought the console at launch, and/or paid scalper prices to pre-order the system.
I haven't seen anyone in public with this beast of a console. I mean seriously you can't fit this thing in your pocket, well one guy was able to on YouTube but it did not look very comfortable. Does Nintendo expect people to lug this beast around with a 3DS and a Smartphone? The 3DS has already sold millions of units and is still selling strong. The only reason the Nintendo Switch is sold out is because Nintendo is simply limiting the console to manufacturers to give the illusion that demand is great. For the time being the new Zelda game alone is not enough to sell the video game console to someone such as myself who already owns a Wii U.(The game is the exact same thing with a bit faster load times) Super Mario Odyssey looks more like Sonic on the Dreamcast than a Mario title.
It is so hard to port a 5+ year old game Bethesda? Well I do remember the PS3 port of Skyrim so I am it is. Bethesda is a lazy unimaginative company that only knows how to develop generic 1st person shooter engines that handle like and looks like puke green and orange. My vomit has looked more colorful and vibrant after a night partying on Bourbon Street. I'm afraid we'll be receiving the same Nintendo e3 but as a Nintendo Direct. We'll have 3rd party companies lie to us about how great the system is and then pull out on development less than a year later. Enjoy your enhanced graphics Wii U being marketed as a portable console. Maybe I will buy yours in a few years in a bargain bin for $50.
I'm sure everyone can't wait to watch the live e3 show VIA Satellite from Japan. Maybe we'll even be treated to another Robot Chicken style presentation to help sway the audience from noticing the huge lack of AAA titles being released on other platforms. Get ready to be blown away by amazing titles such as:
Nintendoland Switch, ZombiiU Switch, Rayman Rabbids Switch, Sing Party Switch, Game Party Champions Switch, Switch Fit, etc. The graphics will just make the games worth pre-ordering! Ignore the fact that no one still plays the games after a week and no one is interested in buying the previously released titles for less than $5 brand new in bargain bins.
Seriously Nintendo you have fallen so far from grace and I don't see you ever making a comeback.
Why not just buy an Xbox 360 and games if that's what you want to play? I don't understand why people get excited for a release of a game title that has been available for years. There's nothing wrong with admitting you would much rather play the Xbox 360 instead of the Xbox One. It's just an all around better console with better games and a dashboard that is not cluttered.
@dirtyzombiedude: One would think Nintendo would rather take a loss and have the Wii U consoles in people's homes for Christmas. The $60 price tag on the games is not helping either.
@Tiwill44: LOL I'm not paying for any subscriptions. Online multiplayer is not my cup of tea. I have a life and don't have time to sit online playing MMOs and generic FPS games.
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