This has been done a million times and answered by the same million people. Try again.jjtiebuckleBut still people seem to love answering the same questions without hesitation.
burock76's forum posts
Is it a password I have to set or is it a pre set password?MJPKIt should be pre set. When you set up your modem/router you should have made one already. So you have to use that password. By the way W*** should be WLAN
WLAN isn't a option.I have
W***/W*** 2 (Can;t remember what it is)
W***/W*** 2 seems ok. but if I'm not mistaken you have to set a password which you shouldn't forhetHow about: I'mTooLazyToMakeMyOwnPSNNameSoIMakeThreadsToMakePeopleDoItForMe.Furi-KunThis one gets my vote
Do you have any saved games from the single campaign? Maybe deleting those would help.i recieved my very own cod5waw game for my ps3 on christmas, it worked fine untile the date of a week and a friday after. i have no idea y this is happening after the home screen comes up, it goes tho the starting trailer and then freezes, my first thought was the disc, so i returned it and then gota new one, supprizinglyyyy................ it didnt worlk? i deleted my info for the game and didnt every thing i could think of and it just wont work? pleas any solutions, i neeeeeed help. p.s evry other game works, like farcry @ fallout3 and rock band, just not cod5?????
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