@pspearman @groowagon @busterfriendly @kyelo @alaannn That's what Sony tells you to think at least yet no one can tell any difference. They definitely notice not having the multi-processing and other features.
@alaannn @busterfriendly No, you have to order online to do that due to the PR campaign of Gamestop and others to stretch out the dying used disc market longer.
@groowagon @busterfriendly @domiddian @kyelo @alaannn That spin makes no difference either. I know Sony nuts want to pretend isn't reality but no amount of subject changes or fallacies will change the facts. Why people defend the slimy company that brought you the rootkit is beyond me. Are people just too young to remember?
@alaannn @busterfriendly Backwards compatibility simply isn't going to happen due to being an entirely different architecture. I'm not sure what you mean with discless play? I don't think I've ever used the disc on it.
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