@Voxwik @busterfriendly Since there's finite resources, not degrading one service means allowing it to degrade another. That means only the biggest companies will be able to afford the servers to compete in streaming media. That's why the big players like Netflix have been pushing for this. It essentially gets every Internet subscriber to pay for part of their delivery cost and makes it difficult to bring up competing services.
@Voxwik @busterfriendly @guydude3412 This has nothing to do with data caps and how services are priced. In fact it pretty much requires adding data caps as a that's the only traffic management method left.
@Voxwik @busterfriendly @Hop103 Would you prefer grabbing? I don't care about semantics. They declared themselves more power without an act of Congress.
@sargentpsgamer @busterfriendly @guydude3412 You can buy a dedicate line. People seem to want the cheap shared bandwidth service yet get the expensive dedicated service. Our business services can cost thousands and be the same speed as your $80 service.
@Voxwik @busterfriendly No, it's a real world issue we deal with our private networks all the time. Not all traffic should get the same handling. Buffered video streaming for example should be low priority over live interactive.
BusterFriendly's comments