What they possibly do is try not to think of it as video game adaption, but think of it as a project for another sci-fi movie. The games themselves produce enough material to actually push for a great movie. I know that movies that werre adapted from video games dont have the best track record for making great movies, but I can actually name some movies that were actually pretty good:
Resident Evil/Resident Evil: Apocolyspe
Silent Hill
Mortal Kombat
To me it would depend on the director(s), actors and producer(s) and screenwriters on how they are going to go about doing this movie.
I love that Resident Evil followed someone other than Chris Redfield. I've never been a fan... But Milla Jovovich and Sienna Guillory... Whew!
-Ahem- But yes, they were good films. And as was Silent Hill. The strong female lead seems to be a favourite... (hint hint, Mass Effect movie producers)
Oh also, Indy, did you know they made a Mortal Kombat TV series? I've got two seasons of it... Quite dreadful, but so good at the same time. 80's-90's animation ftw.
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