oh god how idiotic are you? steam never had any monopoly. they been around since 2003 which kinda says, they stood by pc gaming & yes the price they charge doesnt excatly justify, but can u imagine the number of games they host on their servers? more than any of the storefront since 2003? how many does epic host eh?oh yeh b4 you try to justify your point epic is hostaging games they never created. steam allowed games to be sold on uplay,orgin,gog,discord etc. Competition is good, Restriction & exclusivity...NOT SO
@bdrtfm: u mean like jus the metro fiasco. after all the promoting, greed took over & they pulled it from steam. Didnt epic say they wouldnt want to repeat this & here they are doing it all over again?
kinda reminds me of the battlefield 5 fiasco from the dev mouth "dont like , dont buy". we all know how that turned up. Moral "Never bite the hand that feeds you, cz if you do, you WILL ultimately STARVE to DEATH"
just like how u console gamers hate when gaming corporates hostage games to certain platforms. oh yeh how was that sf5(ps4 & pc onli) or rise of tomb raider(xbox timed exclusive). if ull werent crybabies why do u console gamers constantly attack each other with console wars & non stop bickering & bitterness? why not jus get all the platforms together instead of showing your loyalty to 1?
@morenthal: fanatical isnt a grey market site. They have partnered with developers like sega, bethseda, warner bros, etc & sell their games. Might wana check ur info credibility before you spew crap
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