Wow, I got far more questions than I expected (and that's a good thing), so I've got my work cut out for me. Well, here are the answers to your fantastic questions:
PHILYRABKIN and exber asked:
Best/favorite game you ever played?
This is actually a tie, if I'm allowed that, between Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts. I feel FFX is a bit better when looking at the pros and cons, but I'm more emotionally attached to Kingdom Hearts. But I love both :D
Yoshicon8 asked:
Who's the hardest boss you've ever faced?
This is a fun question, there are a few that can reach this category, but I'll just go with those I've actually beaten. And the winner is the special bosses from Kingdom Hearts: Kurt Zisa, Phantom and Sephiroth. KZ is a deadly adversary which takes a lot of patience and smarts to best, since he'll either be impervious toattacks or disable all magic. Phantom is a tough bugger, he shifts his weaknesses constantly while activating a certain "Doom" mechanic which you will have to stop every once in a while. Sephiroth is a beast, a huge pool of HP, devastating attacks, an almost one-hit kill attack and the power to summon comets! Each of these bosses took me about half an hour to finish, and took every ounce of skill I had.
dapman418 asked:
Would you rather play games a little every day and work a little every day or play games all day one day and work all day the next?
I had just recently thought of exactly this subject matter, and decided that I wouldn't mind both if, and only if, there was a clear cut between work and play, i.e. there would be no interludes in either practice. But the former would probably be my choice for future reference.
exber asked:
Best boss fight?
Do you like final boss fights in the games?
Hmm, best boss fight would probably go to SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER FOR MGS4--- the final battle with Liquid on the large smoke cylinder. A perfect end to what was, to me, a perfect game. It still gives me chills to this day SPOILER END
I love final bosses! They're a great way to put an end to an adventure. But, disappointingly, there aren't as many good final boss battles in games of this generation, and overall, not that many good bosses overall. There is TWEWY, MGS4, Demon's Souls, FFXIII and a few other stragglers, but they're generally pretty thin in gaming nowadays. I have no idea why, really.
c_rake asked:
What was it about writing that drew you to the craft in the first place?
If you had to play one game and only one game for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?
It's hard to say what exactly got me into writing, but let's just say it's like a certain burst of creativity and inspiration that grips me when something is on my mind. This often happens right after finishing a game, MGS4 being the first one. I just love talking about what I love doing, whether it be gaming or cinema. The most important thing, though, is to only do it when I feel like it. I don't want it to feel like a chore, and it often reflects in my work if it does. I have to do it with passion, but luckily, that is most often the case :D
One would probably be Final Fantasy X. I always find something new to experience with that game, it's just so deep and overall fun.
asian_pride69 asked:
Have you played a game that you were highly anticipating, but came up feeling disappointed in the end?
If you had a chance to meet a GS user or two, who would he/she/they be and why?
What games or big announcements would you like presented at E3 this year?
A few times, yes, and the best example is Resident Evil 5. I expected so much...but got burned.
This is a toughie, I'd of course love to see all of you! But if I had to choose just a couple, it would be the two leaders of the GRU, Michael and Greg. I'm good friends with both of them and have had many great conversations with both.
Kingdom Hearts 3, dagnabbit! It's about time. Oh, and more info on FFXIII Vs and FFXIII Agito. Also, I'd love if they announced more cIassic PS1 RPGs to come on PSN, Grandia and FF7 have whet my appetite.
Backlash24 asked:
Name 3 games that you love that most others dislike.
Favourite game mascot?
Worst game you've ever played?
Rock, Paper or Scissors?
Knick-Knack Paddy-Whack?
Name 3 things about yourself that we are unlikely to already know.
(You have already chosen a fantastic avatar, so I'll leave my rec for a later time)
I love the Pokemon Coliseum series while others almost routinely hate it. Makes me sad :( I also love Herdy Gerdy. So fun.
That would probably be the king himself, Mario.
I usually don't buy many bad games, but the worst has to be Megaman X7. Wow, that one's bad.
Give the dog a bone?
My favorite element is Ice, I don't like warm weather and I skipped 10th grade.
PUREPL7YA asked:
Which game do you think will take GOTY this year?
If I were to be realistic, and base the decision on the games that have been released so far, I'd go with either Mass Effect 2 or God of War 3. However, what I would want is for either Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Dead Space 2 to take it.
Monkey_Has_Milk asked:
Top 10 favourite films?
Another toughie. I'm in the process of making a list right now of my top 20, but I can list some of my favorites here:
To Kill a Mockingbird
Toy Story
The Prestige
Shawshank Redemption
Slumdog Millionaire
Lion King
In Bruges
Return of the King
Truman Show
Those are just some of the films I love ;)
Megaman5364 asked:
Do you love the World Ends With You, ? Would you lay down your life for it, would you get a copy pregnant and grow up and have little TWEWY babies ?
Yes to all three questions. I love it to bits and pieces, it's my current favorite DS game, even.
Chickan_117 asked:
Why do men have nipples?
With enough training, they can be used as radio transmitters. Absolutely true.
Asagea_888 asked:
In terms of the player reviews you've written thus far, which one of them are you the most proud of?
I'd have to say I'm proudest of my Demon's Souls review. I just liked my overall attention to detail and the beginning. After all, this game got the honor of being my Game of 2009, it had to be something fitting.
lightwarrior179 asked:
Favourite person to be never born in this world?
If you listen to music,who is your favourite artist?
Which is the most overrated game in your opinion?
Cookies or pie?
Took me some time to figure out this question :lol: It'd probably be the man who taught humans how to fly. What a wonderful man he would be.
I usually just listen to whatever I can find, but if there was any specific group or singer, it would probably be Coldplay, The Beatles, Elvis Presleyor something by Jacques Brel.
I don't feel any game is overrated in the sense that it doesn't deserve the praise. I do think some games are overstated, meaning they are just talked about way too much and shadow other great and similar games. I might go with FF6 or Ocarina of Time, but I still fully understand why they're so popular. Thus, I'll go with the game that I simply don't like all that much: Ico. I could write a blog on my opinion of this game, but I'll keep it short. I just don't get all the buzz about the game. To me, it has annoying platforming, broken combat, a rather empty atmosphere and it's an escort mission from start to finish. Personally, there are far better examples of games as art, such as Okami, Braid, Eternal Sonata or Shadow of the Colossus. Though everyone else is fully allowed to love it, it's just that they defend their opinion like wild animals. It bugs me.
If they're soft, cookies, otherwise, pie. :D
Skargamer asked:
1. the most challenging game you've EVER played?
2. the best gun you've ever used in a game?
3. can you touch your tongue to your elbow?
4. have you collected all the feathers in assassins creed 2? (if you have the game )
I would have to say, based on when I played it and the difficulty at that point in time, it would have to be Crash Bandicoot 1. It's sickeningly difficult, to say the least.
The Spear Gun from Bioshock 2. Fun gets an all new meaning :P
I've literally tried tens of times, but never managed it :P
Yup, it took a nice 3-4 hours of my life, but I managed to do it, and have the Platinum Trophy as my reward :D
mprezzy asked:
Do you ever think the world will be a better place?
I tend to be overly optimistic, but I doubt the world will actually become better. But it will change in some way, it just remains to be seen how ;)
soolkiki asked:
Do you think aliens are real?
have you ever had a girlfriend? Ever had a friend that had killed him/her self?
what kind of car do you drive?
Yes, I believe they are real, but don't think we'll ever meet them for at least the next few thousand millennia.
Nope, never had a girlfriend. To be honest, I'm not much into the idea of romance.
Luckily, I can answer no to this question. It would be absolutely heart-breaking if it had ever happened :(
I'm working on getting my driver's license at the moment, but when I do get it, there will only be one prerequisite: it must be automatic :P
tntkng asked:
#1- Whats your favorite kind of music?
#2- Do you live in the USA?
#3-Is the PS2 your favorite gaming console ever?
VGM in general is my favorite genre, but outside of that, it's cIassical music I fancy.
Nope, I currently live in Iceland and was also borne here. But I lived in the US for four and a half years, and love it a thousand times more than Iceland, so I like to say I'm Icelandic by definition, American by heart ;)
It just happens to be, yes :D It's closely followed by the Gamecube.
charizard1605 asked:
5 Greaest Game Systems of All Time. 5 Greatest Game Franchises of All Time
Look up the top Indian actresses- I'll help you if you need any- and tell me which you find the most attractive
You crazy dragon, you! Those are some tough questions. I'll be making top something lists of both consoles and game franchises in the future, but here's the bullet list
Franchises (no order here):
Final Fantasy
Metal Gear Solid
Dragon Quest
As for Indian actress, after doing some, well, research, I'd have to go with Freida Pinto
Cliche seeing as she stars in one of my favorite movies? Maybe, but I generally mean it. She's very pretty, to put it simply.
syler4815162342 asked:
What is your Favorite female game Character?
It would have to be Lightning from FFXIII. Not only is she pretty and has pink hair that works, but she's also a strong character and kind when she needs to be. I'd also go with Chie or Naotofrom Persona 4,two of the few virtual characters I've actually identified with. I've heard cool things of Morrigan, though.
david_ick asked:
Best/Most memorable gaming moment?
Are you into collecting emblems?
Your take on nudity in videogames, where do you draw the line?
Are you a Rhino?
There are a lot to choose from, but ifI'm allowed to choose three,I'll go with the ending of MGS3, the butterfly trial in Heavy Rain and just playing Kingdom Hearts and reliving all the Disney memories.
By that do you mean the GS emblems. In that case, I secretly love getting them. The Top 500 Reviewers Emblem almost made me cry of joy.
If it's done tastefully, it can greatly amplify how the game affects the player, but sadly, I haven't seen many tasteful uses of it. Even Heavy Rain, which in many ways handled it well, went a little overboard. Devs really have to be careful in using it, because if it's just thrust into the game (God of War, for example) it seems simply cheap and nothing more. did you know? Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag. Yes, I'm a rhino. As you can imagine, typing is a nightmare.
-Me in my younger, simpler days. Ah, the memories.
theslimdavylp asked:
What came first, the chicken or the egg??
I'll go with the egg for $100!
Well, I hope you all learned something from this: I'm insane. Good banana pineapple!
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