I have no problem with the GS review or score, but the reviews are hardly mixed. That implies that there's a fairly sizeable consituence of people that disagree with another group of reviewers, which is clearly not the case. This is an example of what is literally called universally positive review scores. Again, I'm not "debunking" Tom's assessment but it's hardly the right usage of the word mixed.
calvinsora's forum posts
I've always been annoyed by this from Bethesda. It's like they just don't care about a portion of their audience. I don't find it excusable, the patch system of modern gaming has, if anything, made devs more brash and possibly just more lazy.
The mechanics of Halo CE remake are 10 years old.
The mechanics of Zelda SS are 25 years old.
The 15 year gap is more than enough to warrant a difference of 0.5 in the score.
That may be the most silly comment I've read on the internet. It's just mind-boggingly wrong.
While I do not mind it when someone does not agree with me,I always expect to hear the reason for it.Please elaborate why.I honestly cannot see how SS' game mechanics are not old.
The first Zelda is a 2D game, with 8-bit graphics, a tiny memory, a convoluted overmap, and a button-configuration.
Skyward Sword is 3D, with a cel-shaded animation, full motion control and a lot more variety.
If you're talking about general goals (treasure-hunting and exploration), then I could argue that Halo has the same mechanics as Wolfenstein 3D, released 19 years ago. It's the same argument.
Zelda: SS isn't staying to its roots, it's quite possibly the most different 3D Zelda of the lot. I don't know why people keep saying this. And I'm thankful that FF has changed throughout the years, there's no reason for FF going back to a format they've already visited multiple times.
Don't really mind numbers, though SW sure does. The Wii has Xenoblade Chronicles and SS, so I'd say it's plenty strong. However, the PS3 has many great multiplats and some strong exclusives, so I'm a bit split. You completely forgot handhelds, though, they are CONSOLES, as I keep pointing out, just handheld ones.
The mechanics of Halo CE remake are 10 years old.
The mechanics of Zelda SS are 25 years old.
The 15 year gap is more than enough to warrant a difference of 0.5 in the score.
That may be the most silly comment I've read on the internet. It's just mind-boggingly wrong.
It's a rerelease, to expect it to be fresh would be to lie to yourself. People who buy Halo CE rereleased don't expect freshness, they expect refinement. Not that I think SS has any less freshness, but that's the core idea.
No, and honestly, I don't want a giant leap. Let consoles be consoles, no matter what, they will never surpass the PC in pure technical power, but they don't have to either. Just focus on making games that play good, not look good.
Not to be a stick in the mud, Char, but I really don't find most of those things all that relevant. The first point, a console community, is HIGHLY debatable, since there has been a conscientous mind among console gamers for a very long time. Updates and multiplayer I care very little about, same with hi-def. I'll give it the hard drive on consoles, it's made data storage a lot easier on consoles (though I still like me some memory cards). All in all though, I wouldn't say Xbox's strengths lay within the innovations, but more in what it did better than many of its competitors.
We all know that Dark Souls will "mysteriously" win GOTY. Even WiiGOTY will go to Xenoblade.
Mysteriously? How so?
Cmon, KEvin is a major Dark Souls fanboy. IT's GOTy locked because he's Editor in Chief.My point was more to the "mysterious" part of the sentence, Dark Souls is brilliant, why wouldn't it win GotY overall? Demon's Souls did so two years ago, most of the editors obviously thought it to be the best game back then, an opinion I share.
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